by Patricia Monaghan, Ph.D.
One of the most thrilling moments of the first national ASWM conference in April, 2010, was the world premiere of the documentary “Pink Smoke Over the Vatican” by California filmmaker Jules Hart.

Four years in the making, this surprising and moving film traces recent developments within the Roman Catholic Church. Catholicism holds that priests must be ordained “in apostolic succession,” meaning that each priest is ordained by a bishop whose heritage can be traced all the way back to the original apostles of Jesus Christ—a two thousand year link to the founding fathers of the church.
Given the historic opposition of the church to women serving as priests, it would seem unlikely that women could gain ordination. Yet because of several courageous bishops, women are now indeed being ordained—in apostolic succession, their heritage tracing all the way back to St. Peter. Indeed, three bishops have now been ordained through this process, making it possible that the ordination of women can continue, as it takes three bishops to consecrate a bishop, and only bishops can consecrate new priests.
The women featured in the film have often sacrificed greatly to achieve their callings. All have lifelong histories as devout and engaged Catholics, some as nuns, some as active laywomen. All described their desire to serve as priests as a true vocation, one that could not be denied. All have been defamed and rejected by church hierarchy, yet have continued their ministry despite this. Their stories, as told in the film and placed in the context of church policies, are profoundly moving to any viewer interested in women’s role in religion.

The audience at ASWM included some women brought up in the Catholic tradition, most of whom had parted company with their church-of-origin over oppression of women within the organized church. Others had no personal connection to the church in question. But there was no question that the bravery and commitment of the women featured in the film reached out to the ASWM participants. The audience, which began with quiet interest, soon became a call-and-response to the film’s speakers. Spontaneous applause broke out several times, there were occasional cat-calls, and tears were seen on many faces. At the end of the showing, the audience rose to its feet in a surge of loud approval. Jules Hart, who had traveled from her home in Carmel, CA, for the premiere, was visibly delighted with the response.
You can read about Hart’s work on her website: For more on the movement to ordain women within Roman Catholicism, see the following site:
In terms of the lineage of bishops I was interested to read in ‘The Alphabet Versus The Goddess’ by Leonard Shlain (p.238), that is was Paul who created this idea, and he ditched Mary Magdalene from the original list of disciples and took her place himself. Interestingly he thought that this made the list of 12 disclples all male – but he was a transexual, having emasculated himself while he was part of the cult of Attis.
Just saw Pink Smoke this afternoon. It does tell the whole story of the Catholic Women Priest experience today. The two big questions that remain unsolved are power expressed as power over, and conscience. More conversation/ research on these topics would be interesting.
Glad to see the coverage for ‘pink smoke.’ The ordination of women in the vatican chuch is a parochial but also a social and historical issue. It could be a chink in the lace ceiling that is entrenched over catholic women. One of the benefits I see of having ordained women, will be that church dignitaries, to distinguish themselves from their sister bishops and priests, will stop dressing like cupie dolls, and instead don suits and ties, resemblling more the midlevel business executives that they are.
Theologically, this would re-address the thesis, “De Necessitate Habendum Penis ad Celebrandum Missam.” I think Augustine of Hippo wrote that, but
it might have been Rosemary Reuther or Mary Daly.
how can I obtain a copy of the film ?
I didn’t see it on
Thanks for your interest! Unfortunately, “Pink Smoke. . .” hasn’t been released yet–if you follow the link to Jules Hart’s web site, she will gladly add you to her mailing list and let you know when the film becomes available.
While this looks like an interesting film and I agree women should not in any single solitary fashion be denied serving as priests (He made them in His image, in His image He made them, male and female) , pastors, clerics, even bishops, cardinals, and if they really, really want to sink to a man’s level as a pope, etc., I do think it unfortuante the production company terms itself ‘EyeGoddess’. Rather defeats the purpose of this exercise. As a Catholic of 50 + years I found that moving away from the legalistic patrinomy of the RC organization is more beneficial than fighting it from within. Abandon this sinking ship and let God’s Spirit revive it…or not.
It sounds like such a great film. I can’t wait until I can see it, perhaps in Michigan or Arizona?
While this is all very nice and such, I just do not get why any woman would see the godhead as male, except for the brainwashing we have received. Sorry, I will never trust a Christian woman. I have had enough of them and their coercion.