Featured ASWM artist Lauren Raine is holding a retrospective art show of her beautiful Masks of the Goddess Project. She describes her work this way:
In May I will be concluding the 20 year MASKS OF THE GODDESS PROJECT, which began as an Invocation to the Goddess at Reclaiming’s Spiral Dance in San Francisco in 1999. I have been so privileged to collaborate with Priestesses, Playwrights, Dancers, Ritualists, Community Organizers, Photographers, Choreographers, Writers, Singers, and Psychologists in sharing the “Faces of the Goddess”. The spirits of so many collaborators are in every mask and photograph. It’s my hope that as the masks leave me, they’ll go out to be used by others, to continue their work in some way.
Just want to thank you and all of the amazing women I met at the Women and Mythology Conferences I have attended. If you or anyone you know will be in SF at that time, please be most cordially invited to the Opening, or to see the show.
She has also just revised and added to my book “The Masks of the Goddess”, which is a collection of photos and archives, and is available at http://www.blurb.com/books/ 9353862-the-masks-of-the- goddess .
May 5-July 28 at Arise Gallery at Womanchurch
678 Portola Drive, San Francisco, CA

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