Announcing Scholar Salon 2 with Kathy Jones

“Motherworld: Creating a Life-affirming Society for All”

Wednesday, September 25, 2019 
2:00-3:00 PM Eastern Time, online

MotherWorld is the society where Mother Earth, mothers and the values of mothering – love, care and support for each other, and for all Her creatures and nature – are placed in the center of our lives and communities.

In MotherWorld, creative and life-affirming values, actions, insights and awareness are honored and encouraged in women, men, children and all genders. It is the society that is grounded in the fact that we all live upon our Mother Earth–the source and foundation of all that we are and all that we have. We need to honor and take care of Her, of each other and of all life.

Kathy says, “MotherWorld is a grassroots movement which can change everything, arising from the Earth Herself. We are exploring what it means to create a MotherWorld community within Glastonbury Goddess Temple and we are setting up a MotherWorld political party.”

Internationally known goddess scholar Kathy Jones is the recipient of ASWM’s 2018 Demeter Award for Leadership in Women’s Spirituality. She has lived and worked in Glastonbury, England for the last forty years where she has played a key role in bringing the awareness of Goddess back not only to Glastonbury, but to Europe, the U.S., and the world. Kathy is Founder, Creative Director and Temple Weaver of Glastonbury Goddess Temple, Goddess Hall, and Goddess House.  She is Founder of Glastonbury Goddess Conference, and is the MotherWorld Initiator. The author of ten acclaimed Goddess books, Kathy is a teacher offering the three-year Priestess of Avalon training, as well as Soul Healing and other Goddess trainings.

Scholar Salons give members the chance to join an online conversation with prominent scholars from all fields. This is a members only opportunity.  Join or Renew for 2019 by 9:00 AM Eastern time on Wednesday, September 25th (thanks!) and we will send instructions on how to join the Salon. Access requests after this time cannot be guaranteed. For questions, email


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