“Voices from/for the Land: Wisdom of Place and Tradition”
Symposium Panel: 1:45-3:15 EDT Saturday, July 17, 2021
Moderator: Letecia Layson
- “Sacred Instructions,” Sherri Mitchell – Weh’na Ha’mu Kwasset
- “Old European Goddess Symbols and Myths in Ireland’s Ancient Landscapes,” Geraldine Moane
- “The Peak Sanctuaries of Bronze Age Crete: An Archaeomythological Perspective,” Joan Cichon
- “The Symbolism of Old Europe in the Standing Stones of Callanish,” Melody Lee
Marija Gimbutas proposed that Neolithic societies of Old Europe revered the earth and nature, and existed in harmony with the lands where they lived. In this panel we will discuss contemporary Indigenous perspectives that hold the land sacred, explore the importance of mountaintop sanctuaries in Bronze Age Crete, and compare Gimbutas’ findings in Old Europe with the sacred landscapes and myths of Ireland and the Scottish island of Callanish.

Sherri Mitchell -Weh’na Ha’mu Kwasset was born and raised on the Penobscot Indian reservation. She received her Juris Doctorate and a certificate in Indigenous People’s Law and Policy from the University of Arizona’s James E. Rogers College of Law. Sherri is the author of the award-winning book Sacred Instructions; Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change.

Ger Moane is Professor Emerita in the School of Psychology at University College Dublin and has numerous publications and awards in the areas of gender, feminism and colonialism. She met Marija Gimbutas during her visit to Ireland, and has since undertaken extensive research on her work, presenting on the links between Gimbutas’ concepts and ancient Irish sites.

Dr. Joan Cichon holds a PhD in Women’s Spirituality from the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her forthcoming book is entitled Matriarchy in Bronze Age Crete: A Perspective from Archaeomythology and Modern Matriarchal Studies.
Melody Lee is an adjunct professor of world literature, storyteller, and writer. She is co-author of the book, Becoming Women of Wisdom: Marking the Passage into the Crone Years, to guide women in the process of using circles and ceremony to claim their power as older women.

Letecia Layson is a Filipina, Feminist, Futurist, Priestess of Morphogenesis (Form Coming Into Being), High Priestess of Diana; Priestess Hierophant in FOI/TOI-LA. Letecia is one of the founding Mothers of the Center for Babaylan Studies; a member of International Feminists for Gift Economy; and an organizer of the Modern Matriarchal Studies Network.
To give you plenty of time to view the program at leisure, all sessions will remain available, to those who register, for twelve months following the event.
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