Goddesses and Poets Meet in “An Exaltation of Goddesses”
“An Exaltation of Goddesses” is a poetic performance of goddess mythology developed by Annie Finch and Poetry Witch Press. Inspired by the centennial of archaeomythologist Marija Gimbutas, this international celebration includes the work of thirteen women from many lands and traditions. Annie and the other poets listed below created “An Exaltation of Goddesses” as a featured performance for ASWM’s 2021 online symposium about Gimbutas. These poems are also collected in a companion book by the same name, published by Poetry Witch Press.
Meet these goddesses and the poets whose work brings them forth:
Aruru is the Sumerian goddess also known as Ninhursag, sometimes called the “true and great lady of heaven.”

Judy Grahn is a poet, author, and cultural theorist whose books deepen goddess studies, take racism personally, and engage psychically with creatures. commonalityinstitute.com
Atabeyra, Taino great goddess of fresh water, birthing, and the moon. is called “Mujer de Caguana,” Mother of Creation.

Marianela Medrano is a Dominican poet and writer living in Connecticut since 1990. She writes in Spanish and English. Her poetry has been translated into Italian and French. manianelamed.wordpress.com
Brigid is the Irish deity who “Brings the New Green Life of Spring, the Energy of Transformative Fire and the Quickening Power of the Warming Sun, and is Sacred Guardian of the Deep Well, Life Source.”

Ann Filemyr, PhD, is President of Southwestern College and Director of the Ecotherapy Certificate. Her books of poetry include The Healer’s Diary and The Vowels.
Cybele, the Phygian Great Mother Goddess and “Mountain Mother” of Anatolia, bridged the gap between male and female, and was attended by devoted eunuchs (the first transgender priestesses).

Richelle Lee Slota writes poetry, novels, non-fiction and plays. She lives in San Francisco and performs a one-transwoman show called Kind of a Drag. See her kindle book Small Trouble.
Dalia, the Lithuanian goddess of “happy fate” that sometimes appears as a dog or lamb, gives everyone their proper share of luck and goods.

Anna Halberstadt is a poet who writes in English and Russian and translates from English, Russian and Lithuanian. She has published six books of poetry. alephi.org/four poems-anna-halberstadt
*Frija is the (hypothetical) primordial Nordic deity who combines traits of the later figures, Freya and Frigg, into one magical and all-powerful goddess.

Annie Finch is an award-winning poet and an editor, critic, playwright, and performer. Her books include Among the Goddesses and Spells: New and Selected Poems. anniefinch.com
Kali, the Hindu “Divine Mother,” governs life and death and is the protector of humanity and destroyer of evil forces.

Purvi Shah’s favorite art practices are sparkly eyeshadow, raucous laughter, and seeking justice. Her new book, Miracle Marks, explores women, the sacred, and gender & racial equity. purvipoets.net
Linga Bhairavi and Neeli Mariamman
Linga Bhairavi, a Hindu goddess, is “the most exuberant expression of the Divine Feminine” manifest in a sacred stone. Neeli Mariamman is the South Indian Mother Goddess who brings rain and cures disease.

Arundhathi Subramaniam is a leading Indian poet and author of twelve books of poetry and prose, most recently Love Without a Story (Bloodaxe Books, 2020). Arundhathi Subramaniam.webs.com
Nana Buruku
Nana Buruku mother supreme creator of West Africa and the Caribbean, is the “energy of creation” who gives birth to the sun, the moon, and the universe.

Yona Harvey is the author of two poetry collections, Hemming the Water and You Don’t Have to Go to Mars for Love. yonaharvey.com
Nyx, the primordial Greek goddess of Night, was born of Chaos, present at the creation, and the fierce mother of many other deities.

Raina J. León, PhD is Afro-Boricua, from Philadelphia, the author of three collections of poetry, Canticle of Idols, Boogeyman Dawn, and sombra: dis(locate), and a founding editor of The Acentos Review
Sarasvati is the Hindu goddess of learning, music, and all arts, who first appeared as the “mighty and uncontrollable” sacred river, and is identified with Vac, the goddess of speech.

Monica Mody, PhD, is a poet and writer born in Ranchi, India. Her books include Kala Pani (1913 Press) and Bright Parallel (Copper Coin, forthcoming). http://www.drmonicamody.com/
Xori, an aspect of the Bird Goddess of Old Europe, is the Owl Goddess of Brittany, whose people raised large stone menhirs carved in her likeness.

Mary Mackey, PhD, is New York Times best-selling author of eight collections of poetry and fourteen novels including The Year The Horses Came.
Zemyna is the Lithuanian great goddess who personifies fertile earth, nourishes all life, and also guides and protects the dead.

Jurgita Jasponytė is a Lithuanian poet, author of Šaltupė and The Sharp Gates of Dawn. She was awarded the Vilnius Mayor Prize in 2019.
Join us for the symposium to hear the performance of these poems.
Registration for symposium recordings is now available to the public! Register here.
To give you plenty of time to view the program at leisure, all sessions will remain available, to those who register, until the end of July 2022.
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