2025 Conference Panel: Invisible Nature: Visions, Ancestors and Animal Spirits

Friday, March 28, 2025, Westward Look Inn, Tucson AZ

Invisible Nature: Visions, Ancestors and Animal Spirits

with Vicki Noble, Megan Rose, and Ouassima Touahria

by Lindsay Carron, Yukon Flats, featuring Bernadette Dimienteff

 We are surrounded by the elements of nature that we can perceive, and also to those that are invisible to the eye. Ancestral mothers, even in times of unsettling migratins, carried and transmitted principles to their descendants that can be recaptured. We can find deep spiritual connections with other-than-human beings. We may come to appreciate that shamanic or “paranormal” experiences are among the most normal of occurrences, opening our minds to living more comfortably in liminal space.

  • Visionary Experiences: A Life Path, Vicki Noble
  • From Psyche to Saint Teresa: Exploring spirit marriage between women and other-than-human beings, Megan Rose,
  • Amazons of North Africa: Daughters of water and queens of the Desert, Awaken, Ouassima Touahria 

Vicki Noble (MA) is a healer, teacher, artist, author, mother, and mystic. She co-created the Motherpeace Tarot cards with Karen Vogel and has written numerous books, including Motherpeace, Shakti Woman, and The Double Goddess. She has taught internationally for decades; at home she works as a professional astrologer, Tarot reader, and mentor to women (and some rare men) seeking guidance and grounded spiritual practice.

Dr. Megan Rose is a Ceremonial Magician, Witch, Druid, and a Shakta Tantric practitioner. She holds a Ph.D. in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and an M.A. in Religion and Ethics from the Graduate Theological Union. Dr. Rose’s work focuses on the integration of Pagan and animistic spiritualities within a transpersonal psychological framework. She is the author of, “Spirit Marriage: Intimate Relationships with Otherworldly Beings.”

Ouassima Touahria is a Publisher, author, herbalist, naturopath, holistic healer & cosmic ambassador. She is a Goddess researcher and eternal student. Holder of a master’s degree in management and technology, studied journalism, project management, herbalism, naturopathy, shamanism, and plant medicine. She is also a dancer, and artist, interested in the mysteries, archetypes, and the use of imagery and therapeutic art including the Tarot.

Read all about the ASWM Conference and register  here.


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