Illustrations Needed!

How many times have you read a scholarly work that describes a design or artifact and said, “But what does it look like?” As publishers cut costs, illustrations are disappearing from books.  As scholars we’re left with half an idea, half an understanding. We can’t learn what we can’t see.

In other cases old photos are reproduced from previous editions, degraded to the point that they are almost meaningless.  Can you find anything useful in this repeatedly over-printed picture of the Matres at Bath?  Yet it appears in a book on Scottish folklore.


Miriam Robbins Dexter is co-author of the award-winning book Sacred Display: Divine and Magical Female Figures of Eurasia. This volume bucks the trend of modern publishing; it relies heavily on illustrations to advance its thesis. Miriam describes the issue this way:

Images greatly enhance scholarly books and articles, but it is essential that they be high quality.  Most good publishers will not accept fuzzy or low-pixel images.  It is possible to purchase excellent images from museums but those are quite expensive.  Crisp line drawings are not as expensive as museum copies, and they reproduce much better than poor quality photographs. Line drawings are an excellent means of rendering publishable images.

At ASWM, we want to be able to include quality images in our proceeding anthology. We are issuing this special call for donations to enable us to include artists’ original line drawings for the anthology. We will work directly with illustrators, rather than placing the burden on individual authors to find and hire artists.

At the same time we are working on the anthology, we can develop a resource that will have a long-term impact on scholarship. Among ASWM’s members are many visual artists; we plan to set up directory that would link them with authors in need of illustrations. Miriam says, “I applaud the idea of pairing authors with artists who can render excellent line drawings: it is an idea whose time has come.”

ASWM is in an ideal position to provide a service and enhance publication of scholarship. If you would like to help us with this project, please go to our Donations page. And watch our site and newsletter for updates on this important project.

Call for Papers, 2015 Symposium “Tales and Totems”


ASWM Symposium Portland, OR

April 11th 2015 

 Call for Proposals

“Tales and Totems: Lineage and Myth in Goddess Scholarship”


The work of Goddess Scholarship is intrinsically bound within a framework where we actively seek out, document, and honor the stories and concerns that animated the lives of our foremothers. We do this so that these stories will contribute meaningfully in the context of modern life.  The research methodologies have focused on representing our historical, thealogical, philosophical, mythological, symbolic, cultural, linguistic and aesthetic lineages.

In keeping with this emphasis of our methodology and our discipline, and embracing the sacred Nature of this year’s conference location in the Pacific Northwest rich with the tales and totems of the First Nations, we invite papers and panels including, but not limited to the following topics:

·       Tales and totems of the Pacific Northwest

·       Ancestry, foremothers and methodology

·       Prehistory, history and changing experiences of the sacred and the profane

·       Shakti, prakriti, and purusha from east to west

·       Goddess myths, clans, and communities

·       Cultural ecofeminism

·       Myth and lineage of sacred places

·       Animals as totems and symbols

·       Creation stories of the First Nations, particularly the Pacific North West

·       Indigenous myths, aboriginal histories, and women’s communities

·       First Nations, First Worlds, Third Worlds and the global environmental crises

·       Totems and symbolic language

·       Goddess lineage, rituals and community

·       Mother earth, motherhood and matriarchy

·      Altars in the home, nature and at work

Papers should be 20 minutes; panels with up to four papers on a related topic may be proposed together. Workshop proposals should be organized to provide audience interaction and must clearly address the theme. All sessions and workshops are limited to 90 minutes.

Presenters from all disciplines are welcome, as well as creative artists and practitioners who engage mythic themes in a scholarly manner in their work. Presenters must become members of ASWM.

Send 250-word abstract (for panels, 200 word abstract plus up to 150 words per paper) in PDF or MSWord to by November 15,2014. Use “2015 proposal” in subject header.  Include bio of up to 70 words for each presenter, as well as contact information including surface address and email.   See for program updates and registration.

2015 ASWM Symposium in Portland OR


“Tales and Totems:  Lineage and Myth in Goddess Scholarship”

Following this theme that reflects the rich traditions of the Pacific Northwest, we will hold our 2015 Regional Symposium in Portland, OR on April 11, 2015.   Please save the date to join us in Portland, and check this site for updated information about program and registration.

Here’s the Call for Proposals.  We welcome papers and workshops from academic presenters, practitioners, and graduate students.