Call for Papers: “She is Everywhere” Anthology 4

This volume is to be gathered/edited by Viviane Dzyak, Ph.D., Shannon Marie Reich, M.A., and Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum, Ph.D.

The focus of volume 4 is The Dark Mother: Embodied Spirit, Political Hybridity and Radical Transformation. We are seeking scholarly papers, creative nonfiction essays/memoir pieces, short fiction, prayers, poetry and artwork.

Deadline for submissions is Oct. 1, 2014

Written Submissions:

  • Prose (scholarly, creative nonfiction and fiction) submissions are limited to 5000 words exclusive of endnotes and bibliography.
  • Poetry submissions are limited to three poems.
  • All submissions should be single-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins.
  • Artwork Submissions: please submit artwork in JPG format.

For inquiries and complete submission guidelines contact Shannon Reich at Include She Is Everywhere in the email subject line.

A Special Celebration with Jean Shinoda Bolen

30th Anniversary Reissue

This year is the 30th anniversary of the groundbreaking book, Goddesses in Everywoman:  Powerful Archetypes in Women’s Lives. The book introduced modern women to the importance of archetypes, examining Greek goddesses as personifications of deep patterns that have a powerful effect on shaping personality, behavior, and meaning.  How we understand goddess archetypes can have a profound effect on our ability to live meaningful lives and nurture a sense of sacredness.

About Goddesses in Everywoman, Gloria Steinem says,“The highest value of this book lies in the moments of recognition it provides:  that insightful second when we understand and internalize, when we recognize what we ourselves have experienced, feel trust because of that truth, and then are taken one step further.”

Jean Shinoda Bolen will lead a special conference session in celebration of Goddesses in Everywoman and its contribution to empowering women.  This session is your chance to sit in circles and to discuss the role of goddess archetypes in your life with Dr. Bolen, a pre-eminent scholar and psychologist.  Don’t miss this unique opportunity to meet and talk with her about the borderlands between myth and women’s development.  Session on Friday March 28 at the ASWM Conference in San Antonio—there’s still time to register!

Experiential Workshops at ASWM Conference


Why does an academic conference include workshops?  Because people learn using different modes, and because a good workshop should be based on sound scholarship.  ASWM supports the many methods of teaching and learning that reinforce knowledge and inspire creativity.

This year you have excellent choices among workshops:

  • Frog Mysteries
  • Ceremony of the Dark Mother
  • The Mesoamerican Wheel of the Year
  • Shamanism, Indigenous Grandmothers and Art
  • Reclaiming Women’s Sexuality and Spirituality
  • 21 Dances of Tara

And don’t forget that you can still sign up for an enriching post-conference workshop on inter-species relationships and archetypes,  ““Horses as Living Mysteries.”

Roundtables at 2014 ASWM Conference


Can you see yourself sitting around a table with scholars to discuss the rich traditions of Black Madonnas?   Or talking with Native American artists and researchers about special issues and needs in their work?  Or perhaps helping  others develop a US organization for Matriarchal Studies?

Join us for these three important Roundtables at our 2014 conference.  These discussions are less formal than panels, but more on target than our annual networking luncheons.   Time to interact, ask questions, or just listen to presenters brainstorm and share ideas.

Your ASWM organizers will be there too, listening for suggestions on how we can help to promote these important areas of study.  Come join us in San Antonio!

Why Does ASWM Care about Social Media?

ASWM members are a widely varied group.  Some of us are well-established academic scholars, some are independent researchers with no support, and some are students trying to find an audience for subjects close to their hearts.

Likewise, some of us are in the boomer generation, while others, thankfully, are much younger and more likely to be computer savvy.

But any of us who do not know how to effectively share our work online are at a disadvantage these days.  We can’t grow our work if we can’t find others who are interested in learning from us and teaching us.

So we’re pleased to offer a conference session this year that we’re calling ”Skills for Scholars,” in which we give you a tutorial on wordpress blogging (it’s a free platform) and discuss effective use of social media to promote and develop your work.  We’ll also give you a peek into the member section of the new ASWM site, where you will be able to interact with other scholars all year round.

Bring your laptop and join us for this low-threat session with Alexis Martin at our 2014 conference!