“The Human/Animal Connection and Sacred Stories”
3:30-5:00 EDT Saturday, July 17, 2021
Moderator: Dr. Susan Moulton
- “Expanding the Archaeomythological Discourse: The Paleolithic Human-Animal Connection,” Dr. Susan Moulton
- “Baba’s Bilka or the Supernatural Fairy Pig/Sow–Fables, Tales of Animal Bridegrooms (The Beauty and Beast Archetype) and Animal Wives, and the Interpretations Thereof,” Suzana Marjanić
- “The Bee Goddess and the Sacred Drum,” Krista Holland
- “Manifesting the Spirit of the Animal in Basque Mythology,” Idoia Arana-Beobide
Marija Gimbutas’ discoveries provided rich evidence of the central roles that wild and domestic animals played in the symbolism and art of Old Europe. In this panel we explore the human-animal connection from the Paleolithic period, review tales of the animal bride in European myth, and introduce Basque myths of animals and shape-shifting deities.

Susan Moulton Currently retired from teaching at Sonoma State University in California, Susan now devotes her time to managing her small farm in rural Sonoma County where she works with rescued animals, particularly American mustangs, and conducting research and writes on human-animal communication and relationships. A tireless organizer, educator, and working artist, Susan is currently working on a book that explores the impact of animal behavior on the earliest human communities.

Suzana Marjanić is on the staff at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb, where she realises her interests in the theories of ritual and myth, critical animal studies and the performance studies. Her published books include “The Topoi of Performance Art: A Local Perspective” (2017).

Krista Holland is a yogini, frame drummer, multifaceted teacher, independent researcher, and polymath. Krista’s work and teaching draw from her in-depth practice and studies in Hatha yoga, Tantrik philosophy, Sacred Drumming, permaculture, comprehensive research into the frame drum, and goddess-worshipping civilizations of Old Europe. Her multidisciplinary career synthesis is brought together in her body of work called Mel Temenos and the Sacred Drumming Academy, where she teaches a mandala of mystical and practical arts.

Idoia Arana-Beobide is a Euskalduna (Basque speaker) born in Zumaia (Euskadi), raised with both deep Basque traditional values and a liberal worldview with the inner knowledge on Basque ancient belief systems. Idoia holds a Diploma in Museum Studies, a B.A. in Mediaeval Studies, a M.A. in Religion Studies, and she is currently working on her PhD in Basque Matricultural Spiritual Tradition.
To give attendees plenty of time to view the program, all sessions will remain available, to those who register, for twelve months following the event.
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