ASWM Conference May 5-6, Syracuse NY
Registration Links and Conference information here

10:45-12:15 Friday May 5 (schedule subject to change)
Panel 1: Mother Waters: Stories of Sacred Well Springs and Land
- Kay Retzlaff, “Straddling Liminal Space and Time: Ireland’s Goddesses Survive”
- Judith Maeryam Wouk, “Women and Wells in the Hebrew Bible: Husbands, Sisters, and Community”
- Maria Guadalupe Urbina, “The Sacred Feminine in the Waters of Abya Yala”
Kay Retzlaff, professor of English, University of Maine at Augusta, has published two books on mythology: Ireland: Its Myths and Legends and Women of Mythology. Her most recent work, Duet, is a book of poetry, in collaboration with Maine artist Susan Camp. She published Redefining Irishness in a Coastal Maine City, 1770-1870: Bridget’s Belfast (Routledge) in 2022.
Judith Maeryam Wouk is a retired Canadian public servant who worked in human rights and refugee policy and now indulges in her passion for research and writing about goddesses and lesser-known women of the Bible. She has presented about these subjects at Cactus Kallah, Palm Tree Kallah, JFS 50+ and the Ottawa School of Theology and Spirituality, as well as for several years at ASWM. In this article, she is thrilled to be moving from PowerPoint to publication. Her other passions are the Kohenet Jewish Priestess program, frame drumming, traveling, women and peace, walkable neighbourhoods and green burial. She lives in Ottawa, Canada.
Guadalupe Urbina is a singer and composer, a researcher of the oral tradition of her region but has ventured into painting, children’s stories and poetry. She has published four books in Costa Rica and Spain; has recorded ten albums and appears on collections from various labels such as Putumayo Records, Rough Guides Music, and Culture Records. Guadalupe has performed on various stages in the three Americas, Europe and Central Africa.
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