Announcing Scholar Salon 48: Register for November 3

“Becoming Birds: Crane Maiden and Conservation”

with Brenda Peterson

Thursday,  November 3, 2022 at 3 PM Eastern Time 


“Crane Maiden” illustration by Ed Young, words by Brenda Peterson

The beauty, power, and spectacular mating dances of cranes have made them highly symbolic birds in many cultures. With records dating back to ancient times, crane mythology and legends can be found on all continents; they are variously associated with prosperity, protection, longevity and peace.

Crane Maiden, Brenda Peterson’s new book, offers a new myth, Crane Maiden came from a dream: “It is a love story of people and birds; a dance, a transformative call to conserve these ancient and endangered cranes.” This stunning book is illustrated with the hauntingly beautiful shadow play of light and feathers by master Chinese artist, Ed Young.

Brenda says, “Fairy tales, both old and those that we create during this time of climate change and animal extinctions, can weave imagination and art to conserve our natural world.  Science is not enough; we need stories, myths, and folklore that connect us with our ancestral gnosis and our future fates. Myth and science can be woven together through storytelling. My work for the oceans over the decades is devoted to fieldwork with marine mammals, as well as stories that call us into a sustainable and more spiritual bond with these sentient beings who share our shores, connecting us through legend, song, story, and science.”

Brenda Peterson

Through her work as a novelist and nature writer, Brenda Peterson’s curiosity about and respect for nature radiates through her 23 books, which range from her first memoir Build Me an Ark: A Life with Animals, chosen as a “Best Spiritual Book of 2001,” to three novels, one of which, Duck and Cover, was chosen by New York Times as Notable Book of the Year. Her new memoir, I Want to be left Behind, was selected by The Christian Science Monitor as among the “Top Ten Best Non-Fiction Books of the Year.” Her children’s book Leopard and Silkie was a winner of the National Science Teachers 2013 Award for “Outstanding Science Books for K-12.” Wolf Nation was chosen by Forbes as a Best Book of he Year and is out in audiobook from Brenda lives in Seattle on the Salish Sea. She is the founder of the Seattle-based grassroots conservation group Seal Sitters, which focuses on safety for seal pups on the beach. Since 1993 she has contributed environmental commentary to NPR and is a frequent commentator to The Huffington Post.

Brenda Peterson is a fellow of Black Earth Institute (BEI). Founded by ASWM co-creator, the late Patricia Monaghan, with Michael McDermott, BEI is a community of artist-fellows and scholar-advisers creating a more ethical world. BEI seeks to help create a more just and deeply interconnected world and promote the health of the planet. To do so, artists are appointed as Fellows for a term and Scholars join as advisors. BEI then encourages and supports its present and past Fellows and Scholars to address social justice, environmental issues and the spiritual dimensions of the human condition in their art and work. Their beautiful About Place Journal has featured the work of hundreds of artists and writers. Michael is a longtime member of ASWM’s Advisory Board, as BEI cooperates with ASWM to expand our reach to scholars and to develop special programs.

Save these dates for the next ASWM Salons:

November 17, 2022, 12 NOON Eastern Standard Time  
Matriarchal Landscape Mythology
Andrea Fleckinger and Heide Goettner-Abendroth

January 13, 2023, 3 PM Eastern Standard Time  
“Eruptions of Inanna: Justice, Gender, and Erotic Power”
Judy Grahn

Benefit of Membership - ASWM

The Salon recording will also be available to members after the event. 

2023 ASWM Conference “The Waters of Life” Call for Proposals

Conference Call for Proposals

The Waters of Life – Exploring Water Mythos, Divinity, Beings & Ecology

May 5th and 6th, 2023

Crowne Plaza, Syracuse New York

This conference will provide the opportunity to explore myths from around the world of water Goddesses, water creatures and water itself in cultural, spiritual, historical, and ecological contexts.  Water as one of the Elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) is recognized as a building block of everything on earth from the spiritual to the mundane in multiple spiritual traditions and Water as 50%-60% of our bodies is scientifically recognized as an elemental component of life, crucial for survival.   Indigenous peoples honor the intertwining of life and water and hold it as sacred in ritual, story and everyday life, while the industrial world has reduced it to a commodity.  With the onset of global warming, a consciousness is arising of the need for respect, reverence and protection for our water sources – a time to look back and around to gather the wisdom of Water Keepers, past and present, around the globe.  Potential topics include, though are not limited to: 

  • Water Mythos Grounded in Reality & Science
  • Exploring Beings, Myths and Ecology of our Aqueous Worlds
  • Oceans Infinite but Endangered- Exploring Water-based Mythology and Ecology
  • New views on key species in myth and in the real world such as: cranes/waterbirds, sharks, whales, octopuses
  • Indigenous sciences and traditional technologies
  • Interrelationships of water, water beings and ecosystems in myth and science
  • Ethical perspectives in the use of sacred stories
  • Emerging new perspectives in post-humanism that grant agency to non-human beings
  • Methodologies for inclusions of mysteries in traditional and academic research
  • Place wisdom, environmental resilience, identity and myth
  • Examining racial and gender intersectionality in history and myth, nature and society
  • Indigenous science and climate change: decolonizing environmental and ecological knowledge, environmental justice
  • Violence against women and the planet: commodification/pollution of water, extinction of species
  • Transnational perspectives on climate change, indigenous women’s knowledge, and the role of non-human species
  • Natural resource management and indigenous methods

Given the location of our conference, these topics are also relevant:

  • Narratives of women, social and environmental justice related to Seneca Falls
  • Exploring history, myth, inclusions and exclusions of the early Women’s Suffrage movement at Seneca Falls

We especially encourage proposals from First Nations women of the Americas,  Indigenous women, internationally, and women of color.

We are accepting proposals for papers, panels, and posters. All proposal abstracts (no longer than 250 words) and a short (70 words or fewer) bio for each Presenter are to be submitted on this form.

Check out our tips on writing proposals.

Deadline for papers, panels and posters  is February 1, 2023.


Important Contingency Plan for 2023 Conference

2023 ASWM Conference Contingencies

Thank you to over 100 members and friends who responded to our recent survey. You told us that you prefer an affordable in-person event, and so do we! We are working diligently on plans for our Spring Conference. We will be in beautiful (and very affordable) Central New York on May 5th and 6th with a special optional event planned for the 4th.

 However, as you know, ASWM is a small nonprofit organization funded through memberships. As such we have to have a contingency plan, especially in these uncertain times. For 2023, our plan relies on early commitments to attend. 

Our plans for an in-person event are based on an adequate number of paid registrations by February 5th 2023. Otherwise, we will have to modify our conference from a live, two-day, face-to-face event, to a one-day, completely virtual format.  We will continue to update you through our newsletter and website as time goes on. 

All accepted presenters will be notified of acceptance by January 27th and decisions regarding our event format will be announced by February 6th.  See below for Call for Proposals and Submission Form.

Please plan to join us by registering for our 2023 ASWM Conference no later than February 5th, 2023.  Registration links are forthcoming, with early bird pricing.

We deeply appreciate the flexibility of our members and friends over the years, and the feedback that you give us about our event planning. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

2023 Call for Proposals ASWM

2023 Proposal Submission Form

Announcing Scholar Salon 47: Register for October 27


Pongala, a Woman’s Festival: Cooking up Joy!

with Dianne Jenett

Thursday,  October 27, 2022 at 3 PM Eastern DaylightTime 


Each spring, Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala, India, shuts down for a day while more than a million women of many religions, communities, and classes joyously line the streets and fill courtyards with their pots to cook porridge as an offering for Attukal Amma (Mother). They are performing a women’s ritual deeply rooted in ancient Kerala mythology and cultural tradition which also has powerful meaning for women today, as evidenced by its rapid growth during the past forty years.

In 1993, when Dianne first went to Kerala, a small state in southern India whose policies in education, health care and social programs give its people an extremely high quality of life without high per capita income, she wanted to know:   What are the beliefs and practices which make this society successful? What stories guide and inform them?

During thirty years of annual visits cooking with, living with, and talking with women who offer pongala, she found the answers for herself in the largest annual women’s ritual in the world and the themes of: the essential equality of all people and religions, the necessity to share life-sustaining resources, the inherent power of women who demand justice, the emotional support offered by women’s community, and the recognition of immanent divinity in each girl and woman.

Dianne Jenett

 Dianne Jenett retired as co-director and core faculty in the Women’s Spirituality MA program at New College of California and Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (Sofia University). She earned her Ph.D. in Integral Studies at California Institute of Integral studies and M.A. in Transpersonal Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. She practices transformative education and is the co-author of Organic Inquiry: If Research Were Sacred, a qualitative research method based on the telling and writing of stories. Her current work and writing centers on researching, documenting, and telling the truth about her ancestors who were enslavers. She is a member of Coming to the Table and the Linked Descendants Working Group. Almost every year she returns to Kerala, India to offer pongala.

Save these dates for the next ASWM Salons:

November 3, 2022, 3 PM Eastern Standard Time  
Becoming Birds: Crane Maiden and Conservation 
Brenda Peterson

November 17, 2022, 3 PM Eastern Standard Time  
Matriarchal Landscape Mythology
Andrea Fleckinger and Heide Goettner-Abendroth

January 13, 2023, 3 PM Eastern Standard Time  
“Eruptions of Inanna: Justice, Gender, and Erotic Power”
Judy Grahn

Benefit of Membership - ASWM

The Salon recording will also be available to members after the event. 

Announcing Scholar Salon 46: Register for October 6


When Yoginis Appear with Animals: Animistic Relational Elements and the Non-Dual Matrix

with Monica Mody

Thursday,  October 6, 2022 at 3 PM Eastern DaylightTime 


Yogini Vrishanana, 10the century, National Museum Delhi

Other-than-human animals often appear alongside anthropomorphic goddesses and gods in Hindu iconography, as their vahan (mounts). This syntagmatic placement can, within an anthropocentric conception of the divine, suggest not only an unequal relation between deity and animal, but also that beneficence flows from deity to animal, unidirectionally. The lineages of these depictions of the relationship between animal and divinity go back to ancient Harappan cultures. The iconography of Yoginis in the medieval period continues these motifs: Yoginis are often shown as theriocephalic figures or with animals. Bringing together scholarly commentary and original poetry, this presentation will wonder at some of the likely dimensions of the relationship between animal and Yogini (aspecting/manifesting the Goddess in her totality, as per tantric understandings). Could these dimensions orient us to an implicate order that holds a structure of presence which is both in an animistic relationship to an intersubjective other, and, at the same time, dissolves its outside-inside, inside-outside, becoming oneness? Might such a relational non-dual orientation help us create more vibrant interplanetary futures?

Monica Mody Portrait

Monica Mody is a transdisciplinary feminist scholar, poet, and educator. Her academic writing has been published in The Land Remembers Us: Women, Myth, and Nature, and Integral Review: A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal For New Thought, Research, and Praxis. An article is forthcoming in Tarka Journal. Dr. Mody has presented her work widely, including at the Parliament of World Religions; American Academy of Religion Western Region; Association of Writers & Writing Programs; Association for the Study of Women and Mythology; and Oakland Summer School. Her doctoral dissertation, which investigated decolonial feminist consciousness in South Asian borderlands, was selected for the Kore Award for Best Dissertation in Women and Mythology from ASWM. She serves as Core Faculty in the Visionary Practice and Regenerative Leadership Ph.D. Program at Southwestern College Santa Fe, and Adjunct Faculty in the Women’s Spirituality Department at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). She holds a Ph.D. in East-West Psychology from CIIS and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Notre Dame.

Save these dates for the next ASWM Salons:

October 20, 2022, 3 PM Eastern Daylight Time  
“Pongala, a woman’s festival: Cooking up joy!”
Dianne Jenett

November 3, 2022, 3 PM Eastern Standard Time  
Becoming Birds: Crane Maiden and Conservation 
Brenda Peterson

November 17, 2022, 3 PM Eastern Daylight Time  
Matriarchal Landscape Mythology
Andrea Fleckinger and Heide Goettner-Abendroth

Benefit of Membership - ASWM

The Salon recording will also be available to members after the event.