Listening to Bears, Horses, and Seal Folk (Symposium 2022)

“Listening to and Speaking with–Animals and Other Sentient Beings”

2022 Symposium Panel

Sunday April 10th, 1PM Eastern Daylight Time

Current threats to an eco-socially sustainable future require that we re-introduce myths and rituals that reflect an understanding of humans’ interdependence with the community of sentient beings. Drawing on ancestral traditions and understandings, these four authors provide excellent examples of such relationships.

Seal Woman Stamp, Faroe Islands, 2007

Rebecca Vincent “Why We Need Selkies” addresses our need for more than just technological fixes and cerebral solutions to the environmental crises as she examines the role selkies and mythic water spirits could play in helping catalyze a shift into a new dream. As the Achuar People of South America say we need to truly solve our environmental crises

Kaarina Kailo “The Woman who Married the Bear and Original Instructions” explains through the story of the Woman Who Married a Bear the importance of Finno-Ugric cultures’ rebirth rituals such as Spring festivals with bear goddess Brigit, celebrating, gifting, feasting as life returned and further, allows us to see how the attitude towards mother and bear worship changed in the shift to patriarchal cultures.

Grizzly Bear, US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2012

Barbara Mann “Thinking Yours Doesn’t Stink: Dis/Respect for Others”    explores tales of women who marry bears in Native North American tradition, which typically begins with violations of protocol, from working alone in the woods and being disrespectful of bears to two-timing their human husband with the bears. The powerful bears can shape-shift, read thoughts, put thoughts and images into human heads, foretell the future and will sacrifice themselves to hunters, but resuscitate from their bones.

Wild horses, US Bureau of Land Management, 2014

Susan Moulton “WILD vs DOMESTIC” focuses on equus caballus, to explore communication and mutual reliance among species along with the wisdom embodied by the central lead” female. This mare functioned as a repository of information at the heart of complex interactive plant and animal communities, starting with the earliest visual records of feral horses on cave walls in the Palaeolithic, and distinct from later cultures with animal domestication” in the Bronze Age.

See the 2022 Symposium page for event information.


Environmental Hero Dr. Vandana Shiva to address ASWM symposium

For immediate release:

Environmental Hero Dr. Vandana Shiva to address international symposium

Dr. Vandana Shiva has written and spoken extensively about advances in the fields of food production, the roles of women in agriculture, and climate justice.  Her work to promote biodiversity in agriculture to increase productivity, nutrition, farmer’s incomes and it is for this work she was recognized as an ‘environmental hero’ by Time magazine in 2003. 

Dr. Shiva will give the keynote presentation for the 2022 Symposium of the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology:

“HEARING THE INVISIBLE: Lessons from Sentient Beings and Inter-relational Ecosystems”

Sunday, April 10, 2022

“The Caretaker of the Precious” by Denise Kester

 Jane Goodall has pointed out our own contemporary lesson that human global disregard for nature brought on the current pandemic, documenting that mistreatment/exploitation of sentient beings can result in an exponential crisis for the whole planet.

Our 2022 biennial Symposium focuses on meanings found in the relational reality among science, culture, and mythology in regards to animals, the green world, and ecosystems.

This year’s symposium will take place entirely online, Sunday, April 10, 2022. The theme brings together scholars, artists, educators, and individuals of a variety of backgrounds for discussion and inquiry. 

With our primary focus on interconnectedness, the symposium will feature academic and artistic presentations concerning ecological and scientific scholarship. Panels will address collaborations between humans and other sentient beings, foundational myths about earth’s response to misuse, and scientific solutions to transgressions against the balance of nature. 

ASWM is the only nonprofit dedicated specifically to fostering the growth of scholarship and resources related to women and mythology, the divine feminine, and ecofeminism.  Founded in 2008, ASWM is an international membership organization that produces academic conferences and symposia, online scholarly salons, and volumes of proceedings. We offer a unique perspective in generating dialogues among academic scholars, artists, and teachers from a variety of cultures and backgrounds.

The theme of this symposium, as with all of our past events, arises from our ongoing commitment to making scholarship relevant and available to all, for its power to inform and transform. 

Registration now open: 

General Public Register here  ($160)   

ASWM Members (Register here for your $50 discount)

Join/Renew here.

All inquiries: 

Member registration for 2022 Symposium

  ASWM Members--Thank you for your support! Click here to register for our 2022 Symposium using your $50 member-only discount.        

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Announcing Scholar Salon 39: Register for March 24

Healing the Earth with Traditional Ecological Knowledge

with Cristina Eisenberg

Thursday,  March 24, 2022 at 3 PM Eastern Standard Time 



Ecologist Cristina Eisenberg, author of The Carnivore Way: Coexisting with and Conserving North America’s Predators, says of her work, “Mother Earth holds powerful lessons about healing. As a Native American ecologist of mixed heritage, for me these lessons have to do with braiding together Western Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) to find solutions to our most pressing conservation and social justice problems. TEK is based on ancient Indigenous wisdom, which is matriarchal. Today the Western scientific world is learning that this ancient wisdom is the best way to heal the damage we’ve done to the natural world. In this presentation I will share insights from my 25-year journey as an ecologist who has directed a citizen-science global research program. I will share stories about my teachers, the plants, animals, and forces of nature I study as an ecologist, and the lessons they’ve taught me, to illustrate the progress made and the work that remains as we work together to heal the Earth and ourselves.”

Cristina Eisenberg

Dr. Cristina Eisenberg is graduate faculty at Oregon State University in the College of Forestry. An Indigenous woman scientist, she is the principal investigator on two major on-the-ground projects with First Nations (Alberta, Canada) and Native American (Montana, USA) communities to integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) into plant and wildlife conservation in Western North America. The former Chief Scientist at Earthwatch Institute, she oversaw a global research program focusing on ecological restoration, social justice for Indigenous peoples, and sustainable production of natural resources. Cristina serves on the board of Society for Ecological Restoration, where she chairs the TEK Working Group. She has written two books, The Carnivore Way and The Wolf’s Tooth: Keystone Predators, Trophic Cascades and Biodiversity,  and is at work on two more under contract, one about climate change and wildlife and another about bison conservation.  


Save the dates for upcoming ASWM Salons this summer:

June 17 2022  3PM Eastern Standard Time
Title TBA
Lisa Levart and Vicki Noble

July 15 2022  12 NOON Eastern Standard Time
Sacred Midwifery: Woman as the First Home”
Katsi Cook

Benefit of Membership - ASWM

The Salon recording will also be available to members after the event. 

Announcing Scholar Salon 38: Register for March 10

Religions of the Hearth or Religions of Empire: Desiring Mercy Not Sacrifice”

with Mary Condren

Thursday,  March 10, 2022 at 12 NOON  Eastern Standard Time 



The Coming of Bride by John Duncan (1917)

“In my research of the figure of Brigit, saint or goddess, I have found it remarkable that scholars refer to her traditions as those of the lower orders or the common people. In contrast, the word religion often refers to those worldviews promoting and sustaining the sacrificial social contract, and strategies of colonization. With a view to challenging the violent and radical splitting that pervades Western cultures, this presentation outlines some distinctions between Religions of the Hearth and Religions of Empire.  The aim is to reflect on and elaborate the pre-conditions for responding to the call of the prophets of the major religions who cried out, in no uncertain terms: I desire mercy not sacrifice.”

Dr. Mary Condren

Dr. Mary Condren was born and currently lives in Ireland. With initial degrees in theology, sociology, social anthropology and religion and society, she was the first graduate of the doctoral program at Harvard University, Religion Gender and Culture. Her thesis was on The Role of Sacrifice in the Construction of the Gendered Social Order and Gendered System of Legitimation. She has taught at Harvard University, University College Dublin, and by invitation, at several other international universities. She is a Visiting Research Fellow at Trinity College Dublin, where she teaches on the topic: Gender and the Culture of Violence. She is co-founder and director of Woman Spirit Ireland, (1994 –) .

The author of The Serpent and the Goddess: Women, Religion and Power in Celtic Ireland (Harper Collins, 1989), Mary Condren’s current research is on the figure of Brigit in the Living Traditions, Lives of the Saints and in saga literature.  See more about her teaching and publications here.


Save the dates for upcoming spring and summer ASWM Salons:

March 24 2022 3 PM  Eastern Daylight Time
“Healing the Earth with Traditional Ecological Knowledge”
Cristina Eisenberg

June 17 2022 3 PM  Eastern Daylight Time
Title TBA: Art, Archetypes and the Tarot
Lisa Levart and Vicki Noble

July  15 2022 3 PM  Eastern Daylight Time
Sacred Midwifery: Woman as the First Home
Katsi Cook

Benefit of Membership - ASWM

The Salon recording will also be available to members after the event.