ASWM Conference Call for Proposals

Call for Proposal

Rivers of Change, Prophecy, Possibilities

The Association for the Study of Women and Mythology (ASWM)
2020 ASWM National Conference
March 12-14 2020
Tamaya Resort on Santa Ana Pueblo (near Albuquerque NM)

Our Call for Proposals for panel presentations is now closed. Proposals for poster sessions are still being accepted.

ASWM is a professional organization supporting scholarly and creative endeavors that explore or elucidate aspects of the sacred feminine. We will meet on land with deep connections to Native American and New Mexican traditions. Our conference themes include:

    • Cultural and mythic Native American and Latina traditions
    • Women in states of creative or prophetic flow
    • Relearning Nature through mythology and sense of place
    • Myth and folklore related to relationships of women, animals and nature
    • Stories of goddesses and strong women protecting the environment
    • Mythologies of place-fulness and place-lessness
    • Rivers and mythology of development in world cultures and traditions
    • Myth and folklore associated with water, abundance and scarcity

Suggested topics for this conference include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • How does mythology about women interact with the sense and reality of place? How does our scholarship change when place becomes an element or partner in our research? What does it mean to find wisdom in places?
  • What are new paths for the fields of Women’s Spirituality and Goddess Studies?  What are new models and methods for our scholarly inquiry?  
  • What are the complexities around issues of Cultural Appropriation?  How do we understand and address the tensions around rootedness and local culture and issues of lineage and history?  Are there new ways to honor history and culture while enriching our scholarship?
  • One of the groundbreaking works from Patricia Monaghan was Oh Mother Sun: A New Vision of the Cosmic Feminine. We invite you to submit proposal ideas that are in dialogue with this work about solar goddesses.  
  • Rivers, development and mythology of development in world cultures and traditions 
  • Floods, Fires, fury of nature and destruction of the environment
  • Environmental activism, sense of place and gender expression in world cultures and traditions
  • Gender and myth and gender as myth in colonial and postcolonial cultures
  • Mythology, environment and architectural expressions of the conscious and the unconscious
  • The role of mythology in producing a sense of belonging and sense of place in colonial and postcolonial cultures
  • Relearning Nature through mythology and sense of place
  • Memory, mythology and sense of place
  • Myths and sacred stories that strengthen identity and agency in girls and young women
  • Science, technology, mythology and environmental ethics for the twenty first century
  • The roles of women in prophecy and the role of prophecy in women’s lives
  • Migrants, refugees, and mythologies of place-fulness and place-lessness
  • Nature, Places, Non-Places and Spirituality in indigenous and late-capitalist societies
  • Animal mysteries, including myth and folklore especially related to relationships of women, animals and environment
  • Liminal deity, spanning borders of species, sex, and gender

Proposals for papers, panels, posters and workshops addressing these topics will be given preference, but other subjects will be considered.  Please indicate the topic under which you are submitting your paper in your abstract. Papers should be 20 minutes; up to four papers on a related topic may be proposed together.  Workshops (limited to 90 minutes) should be organized to provide audience interaction and must clearly address theme.

Presenters from all disciplines are welcome, as well as creative artists, filmmakers and practitioners who engage mythic themes in a scholarly manner in their work.  Presenters must become members of ASWM prior to conference. 

Send 250-word abstract (for panels, 200 word abstract plus up to 150 words per paper) by November 1, 2019. Include bio of up to 70 words for each presenter, as well as contact information including surface address and email.  Notifications will be sent out in late December.  

Submissions are closed for papers and workshops or panels. We are still accepting proposals for a poster session. If you have questions contact the Program Committee (




Save the date for the 2020 ASWM Conference

Rivers of Change, Prophecy, Possibilities

Friday March 13 and Saturday March 14, 2020 will be the sixth biennial ASWM conference. There will be two days of keynote addresses, panel discussions, workshops and roundtables. It will be a great time to share our passions for women and mythology, as expressed in our scholarship in research and the arts.

In 2020, we will meet at the beautiful Temaya Hyatt Regency, Santa Ana Pueblo,  near Albuquerque, New Mexico. Visit the link to explore this gorgeous location.

For those of you who are interested in our friends in the Matriarchal Studies group, they plan to meet in the same location on Sunday, March 15, 2020.

Watch our website and news blog for updates coming soon.

Scholar Salon 1

"Feminism on the Borderlands" with Dr. Monica Mody April 16, 2019 moderated by Gayatri Devi PhD How do we move into the borderlands to reclaim our full relationship with modernity, secularization, and the shadow spaces in our own psyches? How do we relate to the shadow produced by European and western modes of being, thinking …

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Announcing Scholar Salon 1 with Monica Mody

ASWM Online Scholar Salon

Feminism on the Borderlands with Dr Monica Mody

Tuesday, April 16, 2019,  3:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time

Neolithic Women’s Figures

ASWM is hosting conversations with scholars about issues relating to women and mythology.  In order to be eligible to participate, renew your membership before April 13, 2019. We will send the  Zoom call in information to all current members on April 14.

How do we move into the borderlands and reclaim our full relationship with modernity, secularization, and the shadow spaces in our own psyches? How do we relate to the shadow produced by European and western modes of being, thinking and relating to the world, to each other and to ourselves? What do we need to give up? What do we reclaim and bring to the surface?

Let’s have a lively discussion on these questions that transcend disciplines and affect our daily and creative lives as women.  Join Dr. Monica Mody for an inspiring discussion on discovering the shadow projects of modernity and secularization from the perspective of feminist and borderlands spirituality and scholarship.

Monica Mody
Monica Mody

Monica Mody holds a PhD in East West Psychology from California Institute of Integral Studies, where she worked on a cross-genre dissertation on the decolonized feminist consciousness in an Anzalduan framework of the borderlands. Monica is a trained dancer and an internationally published poet.

Our salon is moderated by Dr. Gayatri Devi, Associate Professor of English at Lock Haven University, and longtime member of the ASWM Board.

La Frontierra Chingada: a film

by Emily Packer, Filmmaker

ASWM Winter Warmers Film Festival 2019
ASWM Biennial Conference Film Series 2018

La Frontierra Chingada is a poetic non-fiction film about motherhood on the US-Mexico border. These figures (mythic and otherwise) manifest themselves at Friendship Park–a space where families on either side of la frontera can come together, but under extreme conditions of surveillance. Guided in part by conversations with the filmmaker’s matrilineal family, this Spanglish film concerns itself with relationships between bodies, space, and the shared land and history in the San Diego-Tijuana region.



"A huge part of my trepidation in making this film was about not wanting to presume to be able to make a relevant film about the border as an Anglo American filmmaker. But I think it’s incredibly important for white artists to make reflexive work about the border, given that we are implicated in its existence, and that our understanding and perspective shift is necessary to improve the situation (which includes death, dehumanization, and forced separation of family). At some point I gave myself permission to trust that I could make meaningful art about the border, and that the story I had to tell was important." - Emily Packer


Emily Packer is a non-fiction filmmaker with a focus on women's stories and an interest in Border Culture and Border Theory. Her documentary style ranges from observational to reflexive, experimental, and poetic. Emily graduated from Hampshire College in December of 2015. The following year, she organized the three-day event Arte on the Line in San Diego and Tijuana, where she screened her second feature-length film La Frontierra Chingada. Emily’s first film, Nationless, explored the unique socio-political situation of Tibetan refugees in Nepal. In addition to her independent work, she has consulted and edited for Deliberate Healing Productions and Ashbourne Films. She works as a media manager for Zero Point Zero Productions in New York City, and in her spare time volunteers for Tribeca Film Festival’s programming team. Emily collects voicemails for future use; consider yourself notified.

Scholar Salons with Emily Packer, Filmmaker

For more information on Emily's films visit . 

Scholar Salon 4

Feb 2020 live online salon with Emily Packer about the film.

Feature Film Screening for Members Only

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