Horses have been a part of human history and cultures all over the world for thousands of years. Most cultures have religious or mythological traditions/stories related to horses. Jungian or archetypal psychology asserts that because of our long relationship history horses can have deep symbolism for many people. Both the imaginal (symbolic) and the presence of physical horses create a powerful opportunity for insight and psychological growth.
We are pleased to announce a post-conference workshop being offered by psychologists Arieahn Matamonasa-Bennett and Joe Lancia. Expanding on the idea of their Horse Mysteries panel, they have arranged an experiential workshop at an area stable. In this workshop, you’ll work with the archetypes of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and Epona, the feminine principle of movement between spirit and physical realms.
This workshop is about inter-species communication and relationships—not about riding horses! (You’ll keep your feet on the ground, and no previous experience is necessary.) The workshop fee of $65 includes transportation from and back to El Tropicano on the River Walk. See Horses as Myths ASWM 2014 for a complete workshop description, and ASWM Horse Workshop Registration here.
Space is limited and pre-registration is required!
To register and pay by check or credit card please contact Arieahn Matamonasa-Bennett at