ASWM Conference May 5-6, Syracuse NY
Registration Links and Conference information here

4:15 – 5:45 pm Friday May 5 (schedule subject to change)
Panel 9: Voices of the Rivers: Sacred Traditions
- Freia Serafina Titland, “The River Keeper: Can You Still Hear Me?”
- Laurel Bergsten, “The Water is a Stone”
- Latonia Dixon, “Osun: The African Orisha of Love, Compassion, Wisdom, Courage, Sensuality”
Freia Serafina Titland (M.A. in Theatre, M.F.A. in Film, current PhD in Religion student with a focus in Women’s Spirituality at CIIS) is an adjunct professor who is currently focusing on the intersection between ritual and the performing arts. She is also the founder of a virtual women’s spirituality institute, Dance of the Seventh Daughter, and the Divine Feminine Film Festival. Freia is a Priestess of Inanna-Ishtar and Red Tent facilitator.
Laurel Bergsten is a writer and scholar working towards her Doctorate in Mythology and Depth Psychology. Laurel is from Colorado and has kindled a lifelong passion for the Outdoors, storytelling, and finding new ways of meaning-making.
Latonia Dixon is a mythologist, spiritual teacher, a retired registered nurse, and a United States Army veteran. She is also a doctorate candidate who has been the president of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Student Group and was the chair and visionary of Pacifica Graduate Institute’s First Inaugural Cultural Diversity Day. Her plan after achieving her doctorate is to continue to think from the heart and speak from her soul.
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