Hallie Iglehart Austen 2023 Keynote: “New Myths for Restoring the Waters”

“Reweaving the Web of Life:  New Myths for Restoring the Waters and Ourselves”

Hallie Iglehart Austen

ASWM 2023 Conference May 5-6 2023

We are pleased to offer this important presentation to the general public as well as to our members.

Sunset at Monterey, California

“Reweaving the Web of Life: New Myths for Restoring the Waters and Ourselves” shows the importance of mythology in reestablishing kinship amongst humans and with non-humans for our planet to survive and how, inspired by our actions in this time of the Great Turning, our lives can become the myths for our descendants.

 “The recounting from my book, The Heart of the Goddess, of an Inuit shaman journeying to visit the Sea Goddess Sedna illustrates the direct and powerful way many indigenous cultures use myth to ensure environmental survival and spiritual practices to regain equilibrium. We can use such stories as inspiration to create new myths and new ways of being, not just looking to the past.

 “I weave indigenous wisdom and mythology from around the world with my story of founding in 2010 All One Ocean to highlight the urgency of learning about ocean plastics. My story is a part of our new mythology, one in which we work to decolonize our minds, bodies and souls and take action to reweave the fraying web of life.

 ” I have long imagined that we will each be diligently doing our work in this reweaving, sometimes unaware of one another. My vision is that eventually we will all meet in the center and turn around and see one another and the web of life that has been rewoven. It will look different than it originally did but it will be strong and vibrant— future myths for our descendants looking back at this critical time.”

Hallie Iglehart Austen, by Jude Mooney

Hallie Iglehart Austen has been a community organizer since 1968 and has taught since 1974. She grew up on a farm and has lived close to the earth for most of her life. Her lifelong interest in goddesses began at the age of twelve when she started studying ancient Greek language and mythology at Bryn Mawr School. She is the author of two influential books on women’s spirituality. Womanspirit: A Guide to Women’s Wisdom, describes her journey to discover women’s spiritual heritage and promotes meditation and the creation of a personal mythology. The Heart of the Goddess: Art, Myth and Meditations of the World’s Sacred Feminine, which focuses on multiple images and symbolism of goddesses from world cultures, has been called ” an exultantly female-centric text whose wisdom is universal.” It has recently been published in a new edition by Monkfish Press.

Hallie Iglehart Austen by Jude Mooney

In 2001, driven by her love of marine life, Hallie co-founded Seaflow: Protect Our Living Oceans to educate people about the dangers of active sonars and other ocean noise to whales, dolphins and all sea life. She continued her passion for sustainable living by building two model green homes, one in bamboo. In 2010, she initiated All One Ocean: Cleaning Up the Oceans, One Beach at a Time, to alert people to the hazards of ocean plastics and organize beach cleanups. She also offers her Wisdom Healing Zhineng Qigong classes by donation via Zoom.

Announcing Scholar Salon 49: Register for January 26

“Matriarchal Landscape Mythology”

with Andrea Fleckinger and Heide Goettner Abendroth

Thursday,  January 26, 2022 at NOON Eastern Time 



The Externsteine, in the Teutoburg Forest

Dr Andrea Fleckinger on Principles of Matriarchal Landscape Mythology: The Matriarchal Landscape Mythology (MLM) is a theory and a practice that allows rediscovering the matriarchal art of landscape formation and decodes landscapes in their ancient, sacred meaning. The methodology of the MLM had been developed by Dr. Heide Goettner-Abendroth. The MLM allows to restore the ancient meanings of the sacred places, the great goddesses, the spiritual symbols, and the rich mythology of Central Europe. The analytical process consists of ten steps: 1) Walking the landscape, 2) Discovering sacred hills, 3) Individuating sightlines according to archaeo-astronomy, 4) Research for cult lines/ paths, 5) Archaeological analysis, 6) Linguistic analysis, 7) Research in churches 8) Research of legends and myths 9) Folklore research 10) Research of retreats and cultural niches. The single steps of the methodological process will be deepend during the presentation and illustrated further by concrete examples during the salon.

Dr Heide Göttner-Abendroth on Sacred Landscape and Landscape Temples: With the cosmological references of the Neolithic tombs and other sacred places and their meaningful emplacements, people created not only a social but also a symbolic landscape. They projected their religious symbolism onto the landscape, turning it into a sacred one. As the landscape was always regarded as a manifestation of Mother Earth who, depending on the local area, may have had different forms with different names: this results in many different landscape goddesses but they always refer to the one Mother Earth. The sacred landscape is shaped by her divine forms and forces. Until now, this symbolic relationship between sacred monuments and the landscape has not been taken into consideration in archaeology because of the ideology of “taking over and possessing the land by elites.”

However, the Neolithic people not only emphasized the natural landscape with their religious buildings, but also transformed the landscape itself into a symbolic one, with large earthworks. The formation of sacred landscapes in the image of Mother Earth, occupying an area with places of worship in a particular arrangement, is a widespread feature in Neolithic cultures. It led to the phenomenon of “landscape temples.” These characteristics of Matriarchal Landscape Mythology will be illustrated by examples and pictures.


Andrea Fleckinger

Dr. Andrea Fleckinger is a sociologist, social worker, lecturer on Modern Matriarchal Studies, and founder of the MatriForum. an organization that aims to encourage constructive dialogue between science and the public at large regarding “alternative, egalitarian forms of society supported by the latest findings in the scientific fields of modern matriarchal research, economics, sociology, political science and cultural studies.”  Among other areas.In her research, she focuses on gender equality, gender-based violence, social work, mothering, and the possibilities for social transformation.

Dr. Heide Goettner-Abendroth by Maresa Jung

Dr. Heide Göttner-Abendroth is a mother and a grandmother, and the founder of Modern Matriarchal Studies, who has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. She earned her Ph.D. in philosophy of science at the University of Munich where she lectured for ten years. She has published on philosophy of science, and extensively on matriarchal society and culture.. Her many publications include The Dancing Goddess. Principles of a Matriarchal Aesthetic, Matriarchal Societies. Studies on Indigenous Cultures across the Globe, and The Goddess and Her Heros. Matriarchal Religion in Mythology, Fairy-Tales and Poetry. In 1986, she founded the International ACADEMY HAGIA for Matriarchal Studies in Germany, and since then has been its director. She also guided three World Congresses on Matriarchal Studies. In 2012, she received ASWM’s Saga Award for Contributions to Women’s History and Culture.

Save these dates for the next ASWM Salons:

February 9, 2023, 12 NOON Eastern Standard Time  
Searching for Palaeolithic and Neolithic Ancestors in Italy
Luciana Percovich

February 23, 2023, 12 NOON Eastern Standard Time  
The Woman who Married the Bear and Original Instructions
Kaarina Kailo

Benefit of Membership - ASWM

The Salon recording will also be available to members after the event. 

Announcing Scholar Salon 50: Register for January 12

“Eruptions of Inanna: Justice, Gender, and Erotic Power”

with Judy Grahn

Thursday,  January 12, 2023 at 3 PM Eastern Time 


Inanna-Ishtar on Akkadian seal

“My forty-year love affair with Sumerian goddess Inanna continues with the 2021 publication Eruptions of Inanna: Justice, Gender, and Erotic Power, with interpretive retelling of eight of her stories. I address her depth, her longevity (now!), and a beginning take on her thealogy. This salon will allow even more complex and relevant understandings of who She is, and how we access Her. Because if, as I argue, She is goddess of Life itself, and we are blessed to have lush material from the ancient poets who first described Her, then what can we perceive of the ethical as well as the psychological teachings in Her stories?”

Eruptions of Inanna, 2021

“From the translations and interpretations of Noah Kramer and Diane Wolkstein, Betty De Shong Meador, and a dozen more, we already know much of the psychological value of Inanna’s literature. For fourteen years my colleagues and I used her Descent myth to frame the journey students took through our MA program in Women’s Spirituality. Researching and writing Eruptions allowed me to address my own questions: why is a goddess of love and beauty also so violent–or is She? How do Her androgyny and cross-gendered priesthoods fit? Were the writings of her greatest poet, Enheduanna, the central axis of the Book of Job? And how, if She is goddess of Life itself, how do we have an intimate, even everyday, relationship with Her?   Using two of her lesser-known stories, I plan a presentation with illustrations enhanced by your questions and experiences to deepen our connection to Her vivacity and love.”

Judy Grahn

Judy Grahn is an internationally known poet, author, mythographer, and cultural theorist. Her works include seven books of nonfiction, two book-length poems, five poetry collections, a reader, and a novel.  Audible just released two audiobooks if her works: Judy’s first forty years memoir, A Simple Revolution, and The Judy Grahn Reader, which also includes The Queen of Swords, read by six readers as a raucous verse play on Inanna’s Descent Myth. Grahn’s eco-essays, Touching Creatures, Touching Spirit: Living in a Sentient World came out in print in 2021, as did Eruptions of Inanna: Justice, Gender, and Erotic Power. The latter has won two awards for scholarship, from ASWM (the Sarasvati Award for Best Nonfiction) and from PENOakland. Coming next: an updated version of The Highest Apple: Sappho and the Lesbian Poetic Tradition with commentaries by seven younger writers. Judy’s lifework has fueled LGBT movements, feminism, and Women’s Spirituality. For more information about her work see the Commonality Institute, a community for artists and scholars engaged with Judy’s work.

Save these dates for the next ASWM Salons:

January 26, 2023, 12 NOON Eastern Standard Time  
Matriarchal Landscape Mythology
Andrea Fleckinger and Heide Goettner-Abendroth

February 9, 2023, 12 NOON Eastern Standard Time  
Title to Be Announced
Luciana Percovich

Benefit of Membership - ASWM

The Salon recording will also be available to members after the event. 

Call for Proposals: Poster Session for 2023 Conference

Posters Due February 1, 2023

This year we will again feature a juried poster session at our conference, “Waters of Life: Mythos, Divinity, Beings and Ecology.”This is a great opportunity to explain your ideas and applied work in a more engaging way to a wider audience. During the poster session, participants will informally discuss their presentations with conference attendees. Posters will be displayed throughout the conference. Poster session participants place materials such as pictures, data, graphs, diagrams and narrative text on boards size A0 (33.1″ x 46.8”) or video. Video posters are short videos where the presenter discusses the nature and impact of their research/project which is illustrated on the printed poster they are displaying at the conference.

Presenters from all disciplines are welcome, as well as creative artists and practitioners whose work engages mythic themes in a scholarly manner.

As with paper presentations, posters should follow the conference themes found in our Call for Proposals.

Submit your information and 250 word abstract on the Submissions Form. Make sure to start your title with the word “POSTER” so that we will include it in the correct category.

All Poster Presenters must become members of ASWM.  If you have questions please contact us at  aswmsubmissions@gmail.com by January 25, 2023. ​Use “2023 poster proposal” and last name in the subject header of your email. ​Include a bio of up to 70 words and contact information including surface address and email. All Poster Presenters must become members of ASWM.

Site of 2023 Conference: Crowne Plaza Hotel

Crowne Plaza Syracuse is located in the heart of the downtown area near Syracuse University, Manley Field House, Syracuse Symphony Orchestra, and the Convention Center Complex. Check out their  Services & Amenities.

Lodging at Crowne Plaza Hotel  Conference rates are $129/night per room, plus tax and fees.  Use this link (also on your registration form)

or call 315 479 7000 to reserve your room.  If you call be sure to mention our conference in order to get the special rate.

Shuttles and Garage The hotel has a complimentary shuttle service to and from the airport but you must arrange for your ride at the time you reserve your room. Parking in the hotel garage is discounted to $5 per day for conference attendees; you can ignore the $15 amount given on the registration form.