Scholar Salon 47

Dianne Jenett discusses the largest annual women’s ritual in the world and the themes of: the essential equality of all people and religions, the necessity to share life-sustaining resources, and the inherent power of women seeking justice.

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Scholar Salon 46

Monica Mody brings together scholarly commentary and original poetry in her presentation to wonder at some of the likely dimensions of the relationship between animal and Yogini (aspecting/manifesting the Goddess in her totality, as per tantric understandings).

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Announcing Scholar Salon 52: Register for February 23

“The Woman who Married the Bear and Original Instructions”

with Kaarina Kailo

Thursday,  February 23, 2023 at NOON Eastern Time 




The Spring festivals with, among others, bear goddess Brigit at the forefront celebrated gifting, food and collective merry-making as life returned. The Bear gave a woman the original instructions. Gifting ensured people did not overuse their resources of the commons. It is by comparing variants of the story of the Woman Who Married a Bear that we can see most clearly how the attitude towards mother and bear worship has changed in the shift from pre-christian to Christian and patriarchal cultures. The current threats to an ecosocially sustainable future require that we re-introduce ecomyths and rituals that reflect an understanding of humans’ interdependence with the community of sentient beings and Inter-relational ecosystems. I describe how the original instructions of matricultures in northern Finno-Ugric cultures have been appropriated and changed to serve patriarchal values.

Watch for the forthcoming (June 2023), The Woman Who Married the Bear. The Spirituality of the Ancient Foremothers by Barbara Alice Mann and Kaarina Kailo (Oxford UP; see Mann-Kailo book).  This book surveys Indigenous traditions across the global North, including North America and Eurasia, with matriarchal traditions of Women marrying the Bear in both, sporting caves as wombs, water as earth’s amniotic fluid, and birth-renewal as the point of thanksgiving. In North America, traditions stretch back to the Bölling−Allerød warming, 15,000 BP and come forward into historical times. In Eurasia, starting with the earliest “Venus” figurines of bear-headed women, 35,000 BP, traditions connect fire, water, earth, forest, and “Bear-Women” spirits to matriarchy. In both instances, women and bears originally collaborate through time-keeping star configurations and winter cave-dwelling, as symbolized by the spring awakening from hibernation followed by the birth of “cubs.” 

Dr. Kaarina Kailo

Dr. Kaarina Kailo has worked as prof. or senior scholar of Women’s Studies in Finland and Canada. Her expertise includes Northern indigenous studies, ecomythology and bear spirituality. Her hundreds of publications, books, articles, edited or co-edited volumes include Wo/men & Bears— Nature, Culture, Gender; Finnish Goddess Mythology and the Golden Woman; Mothering, Gift and Revolution and studies on sauna spirituality.


Save the date for the next ASWM Salon:

March 9, 2023 To Be Announced

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The Salon recording will also be available to members after the event. 

Announcing Scholar Salon 51: Register for February 9

Searching for Palaeolithic and Neolithic Ancestors in Italy

Luciana Percovich with Elvira Visciola

Thursday,  February 9, 2023 at NOON Eastern Time 



Dea Madre, necropolis of Cuccuru ‘e is Arrius

My presentation is an introduction to a women’s research project about a neglected sector of archaeological and palethnological studies in Italy during the long Pleistocenic millennia of ice and immediately after, before the coming of the Indo-European peoples, known as the Italici.

Pioneer paleontologist Luigi Pigorini (1842-1925), who was the first in Italy to teach paletnology and to inaugurate a prehistoric and ethnographic museum, determined that a Paleolithic archaeological layer didn’t exist in Italy– even if the most remote traces of human presence go back 750.000 years (homo aesernensis Isernia, Molise).

For a long time, Pigorini’s prejudice reflected and affected the Academy, and excavations rarely reached the primary layers on which Etruscan, Greek, Latin and Christian monuments have been erected. But today, one of the most renowned of Italian goddess figurines, the Lady of Savignano (Upper Paleolithic), is displayed in the Roman museum named after him.

Honoring Marija Gimbutas’ centenary, we inaugurated, a free association of scholars of various disciplines, indipendent researchers and artists disseminated all over the Italian regions. Our goals are to collect and give a vision to myriad discoveries and manufacts preserved in small local museums and in variegated specialistic reviews and bulletins.

The presentation is based on the current state of this groundbreaking research, which is proving rich beyond expectations. The work is largely supported by images and divided into 5 topics: Caves, Ancestresses, Burials, Goddess figurines, and findings in Sardinia/Sicily.

Luciana Percovich

Luciana Percovich  The Encyclopedia of Women describes her as “a traveller between worlds and a weaver of space-time connections for her ability of embracing distant wide horizons with a loving insight.” A member of the Italian Women’s Movement since the Seventies, she has lived and worked in Milano as a teacher, an editor, a translator, activist and an author. She has introduced, and made their books available to Italian readers, the works of important feminist authors including Mary Daly, Marija Gimbutas, Vicki Noble, Tsultrim Allione, Starhawk, Genevieve Vaughan, Phyllis Currott, Kathy Jones, Heide Goettner-Abendroth among others. As an essayist she has published widely on such topics as women’s health, science, anthropology and mythology. With the Laima Association, she helped to organize the International Indigenous Cultures of Peace conferences in Torino and Rome. She is a member of the Libera Università delle Donne di Milano.

Luciana’s main publications include La coscienza nel corpo. Donne, salute e medicina negli anni Settanta; Oscure Madri Splendenti. Le origini dl sacro e delle religion; Colei che dà la vita, Colei che dà la forma. Miti di creazione femminili; and Verso il Luogo delle Origini. Un percorso di ricerca del sé femminile.

Her E-book is available in English: She who gives Life, She who gives Form. Female creation myths.



Save the date for the next ASWM Salon:

February 23, 2023, 12 NOON Eastern Standard Time  
The Woman who Married the Bear and Original Instructions
Kaarina Kailo

Benefit of Membership - ASWM

The Salon recording will also be available to members after the event. 

Hallie Iglehart Austen 2023 Keynote: “New Myths for Restoring the Waters”

“Reweaving the Web of Life:  New Myths for Restoring the Waters and Ourselves”

Hallie Iglehart Austen

ASWM 2023 Conference May 5-6 2023

We are pleased to offer this important presentation to the general public as well as to our members.

Sunset at Monterey, California

“Reweaving the Web of Life: New Myths for Restoring the Waters and Ourselves” shows the importance of mythology in reestablishing kinship amongst humans and with non-humans for our planet to survive and how, inspired by our actions in this time of the Great Turning, our lives can become the myths for our descendants.

 “The recounting from my book, The Heart of the Goddess, of an Inuit shaman journeying to visit the Sea Goddess Sedna illustrates the direct and powerful way many indigenous cultures use myth to ensure environmental survival and spiritual practices to regain equilibrium. We can use such stories as inspiration to create new myths and new ways of being, not just looking to the past.

 “I weave indigenous wisdom and mythology from around the world with my story of founding in 2010 All One Ocean to highlight the urgency of learning about ocean plastics. My story is a part of our new mythology, one in which we work to decolonize our minds, bodies and souls and take action to reweave the fraying web of life.

 ” I have long imagined that we will each be diligently doing our work in this reweaving, sometimes unaware of one another. My vision is that eventually we will all meet in the center and turn around and see one another and the web of life that has been rewoven. It will look different than it originally did but it will be strong and vibrant— future myths for our descendants looking back at this critical time.”

Hallie Iglehart Austen, by Jude Mooney

Hallie Iglehart Austen has been a community organizer since 1968 and has taught since 1974. She grew up on a farm and has lived close to the earth for most of her life. Her lifelong interest in goddesses began at the age of twelve when she started studying ancient Greek language and mythology at Bryn Mawr School. She is the author of two influential books on women’s spirituality. Womanspirit: A Guide to Women’s Wisdom, describes her journey to discover women’s spiritual heritage and promotes meditation and the creation of a personal mythology. The Heart of the Goddess: Art, Myth and Meditations of the World’s Sacred Feminine, which focuses on multiple images and symbolism of goddesses from world cultures, has been called ” an exultantly female-centric text whose wisdom is universal.” It has recently been published in a new edition by Monkfish Press.

Hallie Iglehart Austen by Jude Mooney

In 2001, driven by her love of marine life, Hallie co-founded Seaflow: Protect Our Living Oceans to educate people about the dangers of active sonars and other ocean noise to whales, dolphins and all sea life. She continued her passion for sustainable living by building two model green homes, one in bamboo. In 2010, she initiated All One Ocean: Cleaning Up the Oceans, One Beach at a Time, to alert people to the hazards of ocean plastics and organize beach cleanups. She also offers her Wisdom Healing Zhineng Qigong classes by donation via Zoom.