2021 Program Panel: Continuity of Cultural Patterns

“Yogini” goddess, Neolithic Crete

“The Continuity of Old Europe and Indigenous Cultural Patterns within Later Periods”

Symposium Program  2:15-3:45 EDT, Sunday July 18, 2021

Moderator: Joan Marler

  • “A Working Hypothesis for the Study of Religion in a Minoan Village,” Dr. Carol P. Christ
  • “Reconsidering the Roots of Western Philosophy,” Charlene Spretnak
  • “Old European Worldview and Spirituality: From Matricultural Crete to the Eleusinian Mysteries to the Early Christian Church,” Dr. Mara Keller
  • “Global Resonances with the Archaeology of Old Europe,” Max Dashu

Marija Gimbutas’ research was foundational in creating the field of archaeomythology. This panel focuses on perspectives of that field as scholars revisit concepts of philosophy in light of discoveries in Old Europe, examine a hypothesis for the study of religion in Minoan Crete, consider the Old European roots of religion in Greece and the early Christian Church, and explore ways in which Old European archaeology finds parallels with other world cultures.

Dr. Carol P. Christ

Dr. Carol P. Christ is the author of 8 books on women and religion, including Rebirth of the Goddess and A Serpentine Path, and recently contributed an entry on “Crete, Religion and Culture” for the Encyclopedia of Women in World Religions.

Charlene Spretnak

Charlene Spretnak, professor emerita in philosophy and religion, is
the author of eight books on cultural history, feminism, and
religion and spirituality, including Green Politics, States of
Grace, The Resurgence of the Real, Relational Reality
, and Lost
Goddesses of Early Greece
. She also edited the anthology The
Politics of Women’s Spirituality
, and is author of the article
“Anatomy of a Backlash: Concerning the Work of Marija Gimbutas.”

Dr. Mara Lynn Keller

Dr. Mara Keller is Professor of Philosophy, Religion, and Women’s Spirituality at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). She is a Goddess thealogian and spiritual feminist philosopher committed to women’s embodied spirituality and multicultural eco-social justice, and has published numerous articles on these topics.

Max Dashu Portrait
Max Dashu

Max Dashu founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 to research women’s history across the full spectrum of the world’s peoples. She is internationally known for her expertise on ancient female iconography, matricultures, medicine women, and witch-hunting.

Joan Marler Portrait
Joan Marler Portrait

Joan Marler is the Executive Director of the Institute of Archaeomythology and is editor of the Journal of Archaeomythology. She is the editor of The Civilization of the Goddess by Marija Gimbutas (1991), From the Realm of the Ancestors: An Anthology in Honor of Marija Gimbutas (1997), The Danube Script (2008), and other publications.

Member Registration

Non-member Registration

Please note: We realize that there may be schedule conflicts during the weekend of the symposium. To give you plenty of time to view the program at leisure, all sessions will remain available, to those who register, for twelve months following the event.

Judy Grahn: Current Projects and Publications

Recently we invited our advisory board members to tell us what is on their minds these days, to share their current projects, milestones, and emerging collaborations.  Judy’s is the second report in this series. 

Judy Grahn

The excitement of three new publications all in the same season is overwhelming me with gratitude. Nightboat Books in collaboration with Julie Enszer of Sinister Wisdom have produced a gorgeous edition of Eruptions of Inanna: Justice, Gender, and Erotic Power. This set of essays retells some of her lesser-known stories interwoven with her well-known stories and compares the work of one of her poets with crucial passages in the Book of Job. Inanna continues to step forward as relevant to our times—a tangible, real power—the more we learn about her. 

Equally beautifully designed in its own way (the cat on the cover!), Touching Creatures, Touching Spirit: Living in a Sentient World is out from Red Hen Press in Pasadena. I used some of these true stories as the basis for my February salon for ASWM. I enjoyed this event immensely, as who doesn’t love talking about creatures and psychic interactions to an audience of spiritual cultural feminists? I find that my stories, some of which scared me to write, inspire people to remember and tell their own stories and that is just what needs to happen. 

Thirdly, Gregory Gajus at Commonality Institute (which promotes my work) designed a powerful small volume, Descent to the Roses of a Family: A Poet’s Journey into Anti-Racism for Personal and Social Healing. My friend and colleague Dianne Jenett and I taught this fourteen-page poem and backstory notes as an experimental approach to dissolving white supremacy from within the white psyche, letting participants get out of their heads and into their own experiences, especially those of childhood. Our first set of four classes has had some promising breakthroughs, so we may continue. We also plan to teach a summer course on goddess Inanna’s literature, addressing gender, justice, and erotic power, co-sponsored by D’vorah Grenn’s Lilith’s Circle, and Commonality Institute. 

I have other plans to write study notes for each of my nine-part social justice poems (all of which are collected in Hanging on Our Own Bones). I may take on Mental next. And Gregory is urging me to write an updated introduction so he can produce a new edition of my 1984 book, Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds. Is this all too much effort? Nope. Feels good, gives me some optimism.


2021 Program: Poetry Performance, “An Exaltation of Goddesses”

Annie Finch

As a special feature of our 2021 Symposium program, we are delighted to present a collaborative poetry performance in tribute to Marija Gimbutas. “An Exaltation of Goddesses” is a mythological tour of goddesses created by thirteen international poets.

The amazing poets/goddesses presenting include Annie Finch (*Friya), Jurgita Jasponyte (Zemyna), Ann Filemyr (Brigid) Marianela Medrano (Ataberya), Richelle Slota (Cybele), Mary Mackey (Xori), Yona Harvey (Nana Buruku), Monica Mody (Saraswati), Arundhati Subramaniam (Neeli Mariamman), Raina Leon (Nyx), Anna Halberstadt (Dalia), Purvi Shah (Kali), and Judy Grahn (Aruru).

“An Exaltation of Goddesses” is a creation of  Dr. Annie Finch and Poetry Witch Ritual Theater Productions.  It is scheduled for Friday July 16 at 5:30pm Eastern Daylight Time. It will also be available in the “On Demand” content page for viewing at other times.

Special thanks to Annie Finch and the talented women of the Poetry Witch Community for sharing their work in this unique celebration.  Annie says the Community “brings together women poets and poetry lovers, feminists, and women-centered spiritual seekers and practitioners from around the world. We practice poetry, scansion, and magic, weave webs of connection and empowerment–and explore the rhythmic languages of poetry and life–so we can learn to craft our lives and words in more joyfully powerful ways.”

A commemorative book of these 13 poems, along with each poet’s meditation on her Goddess, is being published in conjunction with the performance. Copies of this keepsake book, entitled An Exaltation of Goddesses: Poems for the Divine Feminine, are available from Poetry Witch Press.



Scholar Salon 28

Scholar Salon 28 with Apara Borrowes, Anne Yeomans and Joan Marler “Marija Gimbutas and Women’s Empowerment: Wisdom from Women’s Lodge and The Women’s Well“, a live online event Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 3 pm Eastern Daylight Time.

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