Cristina Biaggi Remembers Olympia Dukakis

Recently we invited our advisory board members to tell us what is on their minds these days, to share their current projects, milestones, and emerging collaborations.  Cristina’s is the first post for this series. 

In these times, too many of us have lost treasured friends. We acknowledge all such losses, and offer condolences and comfort to Cristina and to everyone who has experienced such a loss. 

Olympia Dukakis

OLYMPIA  by Cristina Biaggi 

Continue reading “Cristina Biaggi Remembers Olympia Dukakis”

“Wisdom Across the Ages” 2021 Symposium Program


Wisdom Across the Ages: Celebrating the Centennial of Archaeomythologist Marija Gimbutas

July 16-18, 2021

Marija Gimbutas in Slovenia, 1993. Photo by Joan Marler

UNESCO has recognized the centennial of Marija Gimbutas’ birth as  one of the world’s most influential events for 2021.

In honor of her work and life, ASWM’s 2021 Symposium is presented in cooperation with the institute of Archaeomythology.  This unique event offers cutting edge scholarship in the context of artistic celebrations and memories of this revolutionary scientist, who was also a wise mentor and a loving friend.

We are pleased to introduce the program for our Online Symposium. The program features two important keynote addresses:

“Celebrating a Great Woman of Science: The Life and Legacy of Archaeomythologist Marija Gimbutas” (Joan Marler)

“Marija Gimbutas’ ‘Collision of Cultures’: the Kurgan
Invasions and the End of Old Europe” (Dr. Harald Haarmann)

See the full program at the symposium website–and watch for updates coming soon. Registration for this event opens May 5, 2021.

Please note: We realize that there may be schedule conflicts during the weekend of the symposium. To give you plenty of time to view the program at leisure, all sessions will remain available, to those who register, for twelve months following the event.

Scholar Salon 26

ASWM Scholar Salon 26 "Bringing The Civilization of the Goddess to Life in The Four Novels of The Earthsong Series" with Mary Mackey on Wednesday, April 21, 2021.

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Announcing Scholar Salon 28: Register for May 19

Marija Gimbutas and Women’s Empowerment: Wisdom from Women’s Lodge and The Women’s Well

Apara Borrowes, Anne Yeomans and Joan Marler

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 3 pm Eastern Daylight Time 




Altar from Anne Yeomans’ workshop in St. Petersburg Russia

A hundred women awaited Marija Gimbutas at a mountain lodge nestled in forest. Banners painted with Old European images from Gimbutas’ books decorated the entrance. Autumn scents of fallen leaves, damp earth, and pine surrounded women as they spilled out of the doorway, singing, drumming, trilling, when Gimbutas arrived at this “Women and the Goddess” retreat in Massachusetts. Continue reading “Announcing Scholar Salon 28: Register for May 19”

Scholar Salon 27

ASWM Scholar Salon 27 Learning from the "Wild" with Dr. Susan Moulton on Wednesday, May 5, 2021. A live recorded event.

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