“Tlazohteotl: Spirit of Divine Love”

“Tlazohteotl: Spirit of Divine Love”
Wednesday, June 10, 3 pm Eastern Daylight Time
Mesoamerican goddess Tlazohteotl was central to many rituals performed by the Aztecs and those that came before them. Originally from the Gulf Coast region, she represented love in all of its guises, from maternal to sexual partner. Typically considered as the “eater of filth,” her role in ritual and spiritual experience was reduced to a confessor. Through in-depth research into her names, rituals, functions, symbols, and iconography, the multivalent image of Tlazohteotl can finally be fully realized. This presentation discusses the methods of research–which utilizes current concepts of Tlazohteotl by healers in Mexico–and the spiritual experience of performing rituals described in early texts.
Verónica Iglesias was born in Mexico City and has a Masters Degree in Mesoamerican Studies. A traditional healer, also known as Curandera, she was initiated in the sacred knowledge of Mesoamerican shamanism and became a bearer of the Sacred Word. A Priestess of Ix´Cheel, the Mayan Goddess of Medicine, Veronica researches Pre-Hispanic medicine, rites of passage and Goddesses from Mesoamerica. She is co-creator of the “Jade Oracle” Tarot Deck.
Anne Key is an adjunct faculty member at Central New Mexico Community College. Founder of the independent press Goddess Ink, she is the co-author of Prayers to the Goddess and co-editor of An Anthology in Exaltation of Sekhmet and An Anthology of Writings on Priestesses. She co-created The Jade Oracle deck, based on ancient Mexican deities and symbols, with Veronica Iglesias. Anne resides in Albuquerque.
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