Presentation Grant Winner at Conference: María Veronica Iglesias

María Veronica Iglesias: The Mesoamerican Goddesses: Ancient Archetypes supporting women who experienced violence of gender

María Veronica Iglesias

This presentation aims to talk about ten Mesoamerican female deities, their symbolism and meaning as well as the way they were venerated in ancient Mexico and exploring a way in which the archetypes they represent support women who have experienced gender and sexual violence. This idea has been used in several workshops and the results have been positive; every woman who has participated in them has been renewed, with a different perception of her life and what could have happened to her.

This proposal also aims to re-evaluate indigenous knowledge and spirituality, specifically the Nahua tradition. This work represents also an alternative for many women who have ancestors of Mexican indigenous blood and who now live in the United States, it is an option to reconnect with their spirituality and ancient healing forms, which is a mechanism of female empowerment that embraces practices and the traditional knowledge of their native cultures. No doubt these ancient deities have many gifts for women today as they represent different facets of women’s lives within the patriarchal system and can help us live in harmony and heal the wounds of the soul and the feminine energy.

María Veronica Iglesias was born in Mexico City, has a Master’s Degree in Mesoamerican Studies. She was initiated in the sacred knowledge of Mesoamerican shamanism and became a bearer of the Sacred Word. A Priestess of Ix´Cheel, the Mayan Goddess of Medicine, Veronica researches Pre-Hispanic medicine, rites of passage and Goddesses from Mesoamerica.

What’s the Buzz about “Vibrant Voices”?

Vibrant Voices: Women, Myth, and the Arts

Volume II of Proceedings of the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology, edited by Sid Reger and Marna Hauk

“Vibrant Voices is an essential guide and touchstone for all future work on women and mythology.”
–Miranda Shaw, author of Passionate Enlightenment


We proudly launch this beautiful proceedings volume on March 17, 2018 at our ASWM Conference.  At least 15 of our contributors will be on hand, and book signings will be happening at the Marketplace from4 to 8pm. There is a special introductory price for those attending the conference.

With over 30 contributors, this full-color book explores the many facets of women’s arts as they illuminate sacred stories from many traditions. In her Foreword, Judy Grahn says,

These essays add to our sensual experiences as well as to our ever-expanding knowledge base. The invitational qualities and broad diversity of origin and expression of the selections in this volume are balanced by histories of the colonization that the foremothers and preservers of indigenous religions and community have had to endure.

 Our goals in creating this book were to honor artist-scholars’ work and to inspire further explorations of women and the arts. We include visual arts, poetry, and scholarship from over 30 contributors who have presented at ASWM events. In her Afterword, Cristina Biaggi speaks to this intention:

This amazing small gem of an anthology – full of wisdom and new ways of seeing and inspiration – is a welcome addition to our growing Goddess library that serves to nourish and inspire us and beckons us toward a new world filled with hope and light.

Here what other goddess scholars are saying about Vibrant Voices:


“A stunning testimony to the importance of the path-breaking, boundary-crossing work of the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology.”

–Carol P. Christ, author of Goddess and God in the World and A Serpentine Path  


“So many forces in our hypermodern culture have denied the ancient triad of women, art, and the sacred that we can barely grasp all that has been lost to us. Vibrant Voices makes an insightful and deeply beautiful contribution to the recovery, as well as inspiration for creative new directions.”

— Charlene Spretnak, author of The Spiritual Dynamic in Modern Art, 1800 to the Present


 “This stunning volume reveals and celebrates the female divine through artistry, poesy, and superb scholarship.  The thorough integration of historical, experiential, and visionary voices is a pivotal achievement. Vibrant Voices is an essential guide and touchstone for all future work on women and mythology.”

~Miranda Shaw, author of Passionate Enlightenment: Women in Tantric Buddhism and Buddhist Goddesses of India


“This collection of wisdom of women’s spirituality scholarship is indispensable for understanding the possibilities today in the midst of converging environmental, political, gender, and spiritual crises – – and to birthing a new civilization where nobody is  ‘othered;’  everybody creates a society of love and justice.”  

-Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum, author of Dark Mother: African Origins and Godmothers

Vibrant Voices will be for sale for a special introductory price at our conference in Las Vegas. It will also be available at Goddess Ink and on Amazon.

“Vibrant Voices” Anthology Released

Announcing the release:  Vibrant Voices: Women, Myth, and the Arts

Volume II, Proceedings of the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology

With over 30 contributors, this full-color book explores the many facets of women’s arts as they illuminate sacred stories from many traditions. In her Foreword, Judy Grahn says,

These essays add to our sensual experiences as well as to our ever-expanding knowledge base. The invitational qualities and broad diversity of origin and expression of the selections in this volume are balanced by histories of the colonization that the foremothers and preservers of indigenous religions and community have had to endure.

This book will be available at Goddess Ink and online retailers.

Poet Annie Finch to Present Earth Healing Ritual at Conference

Ritual on Climate Change and Earth Abuse

This interactive ritual, suitable for either a workshop or presentation, will create a sacred space in which participants may access, express, and transform our fear, rage, grief, and mourning over the patriarchal abuse of Mother Earth. We will create a circle of Goddesses of Earth — Asase Yaa, Corn Maiden, Danu, Demeter, Gaia, Mago, Ostara, and Pacha Mama — to witness and contain catharsis and transformation. we will focus on accessing and expressing our suppressed emotions about earth abuse.  In the final part of the ritual, we will raise further energy and the group will create and participate in a performative catharsis of chanting and circling.  The ritual will close with an opportunity for participants to write and/or chant an intention and resolution for collective and/or individual action to move forward in support of Earth and her healing.

Annie Finch is a poet, writer, speaker, performer, and witch. Her eighteen books include Eve, Calendars, A Poet’s CraftSpells, and Among the Goddesses: An Epic Libretto in Seven Dreams, which received ASWM’s 2010 Sarasvati Award. A graduate of Yale with a Stanford Ph.D, Annie currently teaches for the low-residency M.F.A. program in creative writing at St. Francis College and offers inspirational talks, rituals, and workshops on language and spirit.