Announcing Scholar Salon 81: Register for January 23

“European Mythology as a Remedy for the Amnesia of Whiteness”

with Hilary Giovale

Thursday,  January 23, 2025 at 3 PM Eastern Time  


Art by Olathe Antonio

In this interactive storytelling session, I will share about the journey that led me to discover that my ancestors were early colonizers and enslavers in what would become the United States.  Overnight, I became aware of my identity as a ninth-generation settler of European descent, whose ancestors have been complicit in colonial violence.  My relationships with Indigenous Peoples and cultures helped me to unpack my own whiteness, including the reality of systemic white supremacy and the ongoing harm of settler colonialism.

I will offer my process of healing that has entailed building respectful relationships with the land and water where I live, practicing ancestral reverence and communication, solidarity with Indigenous-led movements, a commitment to making personal reparations, and co-facilitating this work with white settlers communities.

At the request of my mentors, this journey ultimately led me to the archetypes, songs, and folk practices of my ancient European ancestors.  This session will include discussion about the reclamation of European mythologies, languages, women’s history, and plant lore as a source of strength and resilience for white-identifying settlers who wish to become better relatives to Indigenous, Black, and Immigrant communities on Turtle Island.

*Please bring a candle, a small bowl of water, and some dried mugwort (if possible) to this session.

“This is a profoundly brave book. In sharing her journey, in all its pain, revelation, and imperfectness, Hilary has woven both a reckoning and a calling-home. May her offering embolden many more of us with white settler lineages to do the work of becoming good relatives–work that is essential for a shared future of well-being and liberation.” —Joanna Levitt Cea, co-author, Beloved Economies: Transforming How We Work”

“Hilary Giovale unpacks the legacies of historical harm that continue to afflict American society and shows us a way forward toward healing. Her lens is informed by indigenous concepts that encourage harmony between one another and the planet we call home. This book is for people who want to be better and do better for the sake of generations to come.”Sharon Leslie Morgan, Founder, Our Black Ancestry and co-author, Gather at the Table: The Healing Journey of a Daughter of Slavery and a Son of the Slave Trade

Hilaary Giovale

Hilary Giovale is a mother, writer, and community organizer who lives in Flagstaff, Arizona.  A ninth-generation American settler, she is descended from Celtic, Germanic, Nordic, and Indigenous peoples of Ancient Europe.  Hilary seeks to follow Indigenous and Black leadership in support of human rights, environmental justice, and equitable futures.  As an active reparationist, her work is guided by intuition, love, and relationships.  She divests from whiteness and bridges divides with truth, healing, apology, and forgiveness.  She is the author of Becoming a Good Relative: Calling White Settlers toward Truth, Healing, and Repair.  Learn more about her work here.


Our next Salon:

Scholar Salon #82, February 6 2025 at 12:00 NOON Eastern Time  

Belonging as Radical Revolution: Navigating the Care Crisis with Ubuntu

with Andrea Fleckinger and Simone Plaza-Finis

Benefit of Membership - ASWM

This Salon recording will also be available to members when processed after the event. 


Announcing Scholar Salon 80: Register for January 9

“The Amazons: A Five-thousand-year Matriarchal Resistance Movement”

with Vicki Noble

Thursday,  January 9, 2025 at 3 PM Eastern Time  


After 40 years of revisioning world history to include women, I am shocked to realize that most women still do not know the facts. History (his-story) is only about five thousand years old. These five thousand years have brought us war and violence through the agency of male dominance, and we have been socialized to believe that violence is innate to the human condition. Meanwhile, prehistory has been relegated to the dustbin. But prehistory is women’s history! It includes all the tens of thousands of years before the (now well-documented) Indo-European invasions into the peaceful Goddess civilization of Old Europe. If we do not know this ancient, peaceful, women-centered history, then how can we imagine that we will ever have peace on earth?

Amazon warrior, c 500 BCE

The Amazons were not a mythical tribe of women who hated men, but rather the remnant populations of Old Europe who fled the Indo- European invasions to protect their ancient matriarchal values and social structures. Their valiant existential fight carried them through the next few thousand years. Succeeded by the Classical Amazons of the Iron Age (first millennium BCE), these tribes, whose women were shaman-priestesses and fighting warriors, have left us stunning remains and artifacts from across Eurasia documenting their ongoing resistance to patriarchy.

Now that patriarchy has colonized most of the world, this stream of resistance has gone underground, continuously bubbling up in pockets and remnant populations here and there, as well as in individual women in every generation who tap into this ancient archetype of the courageous and sacred Amazon warrior-priestess. I have spent a lifetime owning this archetype and joining other such women in the ongoing fight for our birthright: the re-establishment of mother-centered, earth- centered values and peace on earth.

“Join me in this exploration and investigation of women’s refusal to bow to patriarchy through the ages, up to and including our own participation. Invigorate your inner Amazon to come into the foreground now!”

Vicki Noble Portrait
Vicki Noble

Vicki Noble is a feminist scholar and teacher, co-creator of Motherpeace and author of numerous books including Motherpeace, Shakti Woman, and The Double Goddess. For decades she has traveled and taught internationally; her books are published in various languages. Retired from teaching as a graduate professor in two Women’s Spirituality Masters Programs in California, she teaches workshops and speaks in public venues. At home in Santa Cruz, California, she facilitates private intensive tutorials with women from around the world who come to study Motherpeace Tarot, learn customized Tibetan Buddhist Dakini practices, or do customized intellectual inquiry.


Our next Salon:

Scholar Salon #81, January 21 2025 at 3:00 PM Eastern Time  

European Mythology as a Remedy for the Amnesia of Whiteness

with Hilary Giovale

Benefit of Membership - ASWM

This Salon recording will also be available to members when processed after the event.