Announcing Volume 3 of Proceedings


The Land Remembers Us:

Women, Myth, and Nature


Volume 3 of Proceedings of the Association for the Study of

Women and Mythology

Edited by Mary Jo Neitz and Sid Reger

We launched Volume 3 of our conference proceedings on Saturday, March 14, during our biennial ASWM Conference. In this collection, the works of 18 scholars explore many connections of myth, land, and women’s lives, including wildness, prehistoric art and archaeology, and contemporary goddess traditions.

“This luminous volume is filled with myth and story tied to the land and Her deepest embedded wisdom and mysteries”. —Dr. Cristina Eisenberg, The Wolf’s Tooth and The Carnivore Way 

“From the earliest awakenings of the Women’s Spirituality movement, our yearning to know about women’s sacred engagements with nature through the ages was inherent. This collection of insightful articles brings so much to fruition — with concepts such as Gaian epistemology, language of animacy, women’s weaving as sacred transformations with nature, and much more. It enlarges the scholarship of cultural history by way of laying out a grand banquet.”  Charlene Spretnak,  Lost Goddesses of Early Greece

“The Land Remembers Us is a valuable contribution to the literature of place, the earth and the sacred.” —Michael McDermott M.D., co-founder with Patricia Monaghan and director of the Black Earth Institute

“This collection of essays contains some poignant explanations of the multifold ways our spirits can connect to the intelligences of the land, the plants, the animals, the cells, and to the spiritual energies on our wonderfully diverse planet.” —Miriam Robbins Dexter, Whence the Goddesses: A Source Book 

The Land Remembers Us may be purchased from Goddess Ink and other online booksellers.

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