Announcing Scholar Salon 60: Register for October 19

A Women’s Psychology: The Wheel of the Year

with Kim Duckett

Thursday,  October 19, 2023 at 3 PM Eastern Time  



Blue Ridge AMountains, pixabay/CC0

The Wheel of the Year as an Earth-Based Spiritual Psychology for Women:  (This ain’t your mama’s Wheel of the Year!)

This work came out of my realization that our ancient foremothers developed and applied a shamanic psychology for their people based in the movement of the seasons through time (what we now call The Wheel of the Year). I realized that the Wheel of the Year that we were following in contemporary women’s and goddess spiritualities was a remnant of that ancient psychology.  The Wheel is usually associated with earth-based spiritualities. My work shifts the focus of the Wheel to being a psychology, and specifically a transpersonal and spiritual psychology.  I have discovered that the Wheel is not simply a teaching or illustrative tool about the seasons, or planting, or a backdrop for the agricultural myths of antiquity. I have come to see it as what we have left of those ancient psychologies as well as a spiritual path, and I teach it as such. 

Although in this presentation, I speak in passing about the idea that following the seasons may have been a psychology as well as a spirituality and a way of life for ancient peoples and cultures, proving that is not my purpose in this presentation. My focus is to share the concept of The Wheel of the Year as a helpful contemporary earth-based psychology for women that can be used to recognize, understand, and respond to experiences and processes that occur over the course of women’s lives.

Double Coyote Goddess Altar by Barb Lutz (Tribas)

  My work in the Mystery School is enhanced with the beautiful creations of earth-artist Barb Lutz (Tribas) who creates seasonal altars and provides energetic support for the deep work around the Wheel.

Dr. Kim Duckett

Kim Duckett received her  Ph.D in Women’s Studies and Transpersonal Psychology at Union Institute and University. She is the founder of “A Year and a Day Sacred Mystery School for Women,” a three-year feminist spirituality curriculum, established in 1993. Kim taught Women Studies in university for thirty years, including courses on women and psychology. She is a shamanic ritualist, and has presented at a variety of feminist events including RCGI Priestess Gatherings, National Women’s Music Festival, ASWM, Modern Matriarchal Studies conferences, and others. Her book, The Wheel of the Year as an Earth-based Spiritual Psychology for Women can be found at Her personal and professional focus is now solely on the psychology and well being of Goddess women. 

Altared space by Barb Lutz

Barb Lutz /Tribas creates altars and sacred spaces that augment and enhance the teachings of Kim’s Mystery School and is recognized as an earth-based artist in her own right in Goddess communities. Barb’s work has been exhibited in locations and events including ASWM conferences, and she has given workshops in the creation of altars and ritual spaces from natural materials.


Save the date for this upcoming ASWM Salon:

Thursday November 2 at 3 PM Eastern Time

Shâmaran: The Mother Earth Goddess in the Hearts and Mountains of Kurds”  

with Dilsa Deniz

Upcoming Salons also on November 16, 2023.

Benefit of Membership - ASWM

The Salon recording will also be available to members after the event.