“New” Goddess Figure Puts in Appearance at Symposium

When ASWM members met in Madison, WI, on the morning of May 14, we could feel  excitement buzzing in the room even before the presentations started.  Several women had just heard about the discovery of a Paleolithic goddess figure in Germany, and they were sharing her image on their phones and computers!

The Paleolithic Hohle Fels Figure

The story and image of the Hohle Fels figure hit the media just as we were meeting.  Carbon dating suggests that this ivory goddess was made at least 35,000 years ago, making her one of the oldest sculpted representations of the human figure.

Among sensationalized and sexist accounts in the media, here is one well-written article from the Science Daily web site:  http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/05/090514084126.htm

2009 Symposium Sets the Hive Humming

Report by Sid Reger, ASWM President

With the theme “Self and Goddess: Personal, Political, Spiritual,” ASWM’s second annual Symposium gathered more than 50 women from the Midwest, both coasts, and Canada.  It was an exciting day of presentations and networking among women working to develop arts and scholarship concerning mythic women and goddesses.

Our keynote speaker was Egyptologist Normandi Ellis, author of Dreams of Isis, Feasts of Light, and other works that examine the significance of ancient goddess mythology to contemporary seekers.

To see a complete report of presentations, with photos of the event, check out the blog post by storyteller/songwriter Nancy Vedder-Shults.

As the informal “MC” for the day, I had the privilege of watching and listening to a wide variety of presenters, and of watching as connections were made that would outlast the day.

We met under Lydia Ruyle’s beautiful Goddess Banners

Thanks are due to all presenters and board members.  I especially want to acknowledge the staff of the Goodman Atwood Community Center for all of their help—it’s a beautiful facility.  And my heartfelt thanks to the women who helped with logistics, registration, and technical assistance:  Nan Brooks, Daña Alder, Lia Treffman, and Sara Blackthorne.

2008 Artists’ panel “Holy Wind: Making Art/Artist/Goddess”

A panel of three diverse artists was featured at the 2008 ASWM Symposium. Helen Klebesadel and Rae-Atira Soncea from WI and Sid Reger from PA presented work and discussed how goddess myth and women’s life cycles inform their art.

Crone, Mother, Maiden, a 40x30 watercolor by Helen Klebesadel.

Crone, Mother, Maiden, a 40×30 watercolor by Helen Klebesadel. Smaller giclee prints of the painting, and Helen’s other work, can be found here:www.niceharpy.etsy.com

Helen Klebesadel “Wholeness in art and life.” Art is a place where I rethink everything.   I use my art to understand the world and to recreate myself.  When I first went to art school at 18,  I was taught by and about men–taught by no women, and about no women, nor artists of color.

Continue reading “2008 Artists’ panel “Holy Wind: Making Art/Artist/Goddess””

A Pilgrimage of Self-Discovery in Cornwall

At the mysterious site of Mên-an-Tol in Cornwall, women on a self-discovery pilgrimage by Women Creating Change pass through an ancient circular stone as goddess scholar Cheryl Straffon sings them along.

Ancient Stone in Cornwall inspires “Women Creating Change”

Picking Up Stones-The Pilgrimage is the annual event of Women Creating Change.  On this pilgrimage, women experience sacred sites of feminine spirituality in Great Britain, where they may discover their own voice and authority.  Continue reading “A Pilgrimage of Self-Discovery in Cornwall”