Kore Award for Best Dissertation

The Kore Award for Best Dissertation in Women and Mythology is conferred by the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology. The award was established in 2009 and is funded by the gift of a generous contributor.  The intention behind its founding is to create awareness of excellence in scholarship concerning Women and Mythology, and to provide an organizational framework for supporting graduate students in their work.  The award is presented at the biennial national conference, for dissertations completed and defended in 2015 and 2014.  Defense must be completed by December 31, 2015.

Applicants can be from any discipline, including but not limited to literature, religious studies, art or art history, classics, anthropology, and communications. Creative dissertations must include significant analysis of mythology in addition to creative work.   Applicants must be members of ASWM at time of submission.

Criteria for the award include excellence in communication, conceptual presentation and originality, and evidence of global, ethical and social awareness of the impact of the research.

Past winners of this award include Dr. Dawn Work-MaKinne (2010), Deity in Sisterhood: The Collective Female Sacred in Germanic Europe, Dr. Shannan Palma (2012), Tales as Old as Time: Myth, Gender and the Fairy Tale in Popular Culture, and Dr. Mary Beth Moser (2014), The Everyday Spirituality of Women in the Italian Alps.

Applicants must be members of ASWM upon submission of entry.  A letter of support from dissertation chair/director must accompany application.  Applicants will be urged to also propose a paper for the national conference, and to appear at and present work at national conference, if they receive award.


Schedule for 2016 award:

August, 2015:  Selection of judging panel.

Public release of information about award and application procedure. Dissertations to be considered must be completed and approved during the period January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2015.

Nov. 1, 2015 – Jan. 15, 2016:  Application window

Feb. 15, 2016: Selection and announcement of award winner.

Saturday, April 2, 2016:  Award presented national conference, Boston, MA


Application for Kore Award for Best Dissertation in Women and Mythology

Deadline for completion and defense: December 31, 2015

Time period for submission:  November 1, 2015-January 15, 2016

Award selection and announcement:  February 15, 2016

Award presentation: ASWM National Conference, April 1-2, 2016, Boston, MA



Mailing address:


Field of Study:

Title of Dissertation:

Date of graduation:

Institution degree granted by:

Dissertation advisor’s name:

Dissertation abstract:

Please submit this form via email to ASWM.KoreAward@gmail.com, with PDF or MSWord attachment of dissertation.  Please have dissertation director email letter of support, also in PDF or MSWord, to same address.

2016 Sarasvati Book Award

The Sarasvati Book Award solicits nonfiction books published during 2013-2015 in the field of goddess studies. Named for the Hindu goddess of learning and the creative arts, the Sarasvati award from the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology (ASWM) honors creative work in the field of goddess and mythology studies. The award will be presented during ASWM’s biennial conference, Boston, April 1-2, 2016.

Past winners include Sacred Display: Divine and Magical Female Figures of Eurasia by Miriam Robbins Dexter and Voctor H. Mair (Cambria, 2010). and The Dancing Goddesses: Folklore, Archaeology and the Origins of European Dance, by Elizabeth Wayland Barber (Norton, 2013).

Note to Publishers

Please submit books for consideration and guidelines queries at this email address: aswmsubmissions@gmail.com Deadline for submissions is December 1, 2015; the winner will be notified by February 25 2016.

The award covers books published during the past two calendar years. Nominations must come from the publisher. Self-published books and anthologies are not eligible for the award.


Criteria for Submission

  • Must be published in the last two calendar years
  • Must belong to the field of goddess studies and mythology
  • Must add to and enhance the field of goddess and mythology studies with distinction
  • Must demonstrate an original approach to goddess and mythology studies in all its diversity


Announcing 2016 Sarasvati Nonfiction Book Award


Sarasvati Nonfiction Book Award Notification

The Sarasvati Book Award solicits nonfiction books published during 2013-2015 in the field of goddess studies. Named for the Hindu goddess of learning and the creative arts, the Sarasvati award from the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology (ASWM) honors creative work in the field of goddess and mythology studies. The award will be presented during ASWM’s biennial conference, Boston, April 1-2, 2016.

Past winners include Sacred Display: Divine and Magical Female Figures of Eurasia by Miriam Robbins Dexter and Voctor H. Mair (Cambria, 2010). and The Dancing Goddesses: Folklore, Archaeology and the Origins of European Dance, by Elizabeth Wayland Barber (Norton, 2013).

Note to Publishers

Please submit books for consideration and guidelines queries at this email address: aswmsubmissions@gmail.com Deadline for submissions is December 1, 2015; the winner will be notified by February 25 2016.

The award covers books published during the past two calendar years. Nominations must come from the publisher. Self-published books and anthologies are not eligible for the award.


Criteria for Submission

  • Must be published in the last two calendar years
  • Must belong to the field of goddess studies and mythology
  • Must add to and enhance the field of goddess and mythology studies with distinction
  • Must demonstrate an original approach to goddess and mythology studies in all its diversity


2016 ASWM Conference: “Seeking Harbor in Our Histories: Lights in the Darkness”

April 1-2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts 

Boston Marriott Burlington Hotel

Goddess Scholarship draws on historical, ethnographic and folk sources, among others, to document and honor the sacred and mundane stories which animate the traditions and spiritual lives of our global sisters and our foremothers.

This year’s conference theme embraces the heritage of location in the historical City of Boston, a harbor city rich in stories and symbols of First Nations of the Atlantic Northeast and the formation of the United States.

We are delighted to announce presentations by three outstanding keynote speakers.  Dr. Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum,  feminist cultural historian and author of  Black Madonnas, Dark Mother:  African origins and godmothers, The Future Has an Ancient Heart, and, forthcoming, black bird in a pear tree.  Dr. Elinor Gadon is a Resident Scholar of the Brandeis University Women’s Studies Research Center, and is author of  The Once and Future Goddess:  A Symbol for Our Time and Tiger by the Tail:  Women Artists of Indian Transforming Culture.  Dr. Margaret M. Bruchac (Abenaki), is an anthropologist, museum consultant, historian, and performer. Her work includes Indigenous Archaeologies: A Reader in Decolonization, and Dreaming Again:  Algonkian Poetry.


The program will include a special plenary session of authors featured  in the new anthology, Foremothers of the Women’s Spirituality Movement:  Elders and Visionaries, edited by Vicki Noble and Miriam Robbins Dexter.

Plan to come a day early to attend the Matriarchal Studies Day, held in the same venue, and watch for notices about post-conference events.

Watch this site for information and registration links.  See you there!

Call for Proposals: ASWM 2016 Conference in Boston

2016 Biennial Conference

Association for the Study of Women and Mythology

April 1-2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts

Call for Proposals


“Seeking Harbor in Our Histories: Lights in the Darkness”

Goddess Scholarship draws on historical, ethnographic and folk sources, among others, to document and honor the sacred and mundane stories which animate the traditions and spiritual lives of our global sisters and our foremothers.

In past conferences, the innovative methodologies and scholarship of ASWM participants have served to problematize contemporary perceptions of civilization, “modernization” and “progress.” Multi-discipline research methodologies have focused on representing historical, thealogical, philosophical, mythological, symbolic, cultural, linguistic and aesthetic lineages.

This year’s conference theme embraces the heritage of location in the historical City of Boston, a harbor city rich in stories and symbols of First Nations of the Atlantic Northeast and the formation of the United States.

We invite papers and panels including, but not limited to the following topics:

  • Harbor and hearth as women-centered metaphors
  • Myth and lineage of the spirit of place, especially focus on the larger Boston area
  • Indigenous stories, histories, and women’s communities of the Atlantic North East
  • Paradigms of rebellion, freedom and independence
  • Water, ritual and civilization, stories of aquatic goddesses
  • Perspectives on First Nations/First Worlds
  • Women’s sense of self, social agency, and their roles as citizens
  • The female principle in ethics and ancient wisdom for modern times
  • Cultural ecofeminism
  • Animal mysteries and myth
  • Ancestry, foremothers and methodology
  • Changing experiences and definitions of the sacred and the profane

Papers should be 20 minutes; panels with up to four papers on a related topic may be proposed together. Workshop proposals should be organized to provide audience interaction and must clearly address the theme. All sessions and workshops are limited to 90 minutes.

Presenters from all disciplines are welcome, as well as creative artists and practitioners who engage mythic themes in a scholarly manner in their work. Presenters must become members of ASWM.

Send 250-word abstract (for panels, 200 word abstract plus up to 150 words per paper) in PDF or MSWord to aswmsubmissions@gmail.com by November 15, 2015.  Please use “2016 proposal” and last name in subject header. Include bio of up to 70 words for each presenter, as well as contact information including surface address and email. See www.womenandmyth.org for program updates and registration.