by ASWM President Sid Reger
ASWM’s mission is to promote the study of mythology. Myths about animals are essential to our ability to explain our humanity to ourselves. And they are based on observation of the wonders and magic of living species. We can’t isolate ourselves from our animal “relations” whose wisdom we celebrate. We have an obligation to promote their welfare along with our own.

We chose the image of the Bee Goddess as our logo and central metaphor for ASWM for very good reasons. It is not only that bees are great collaborators and communicators. The honey they produce is a magical substance unlike any other, sweet beyond compare, more often given through cooperation than taken by competition. Honey is also associated with shamanic travel and physical healing. Myths of bees are intimately related to the myths of goddesses in many traditions, and more often associated with women than men. Continue reading “A Note about Bees”
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