2021 Symposium: The Institute of Archaeomythology

ASWM’s 2021 Symposium, “Wisdom Across the Ages: Celebrating the Centennial of Archaeomythologist Marija Gimbutas,” is presented in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeomythology (IAM). IAM is an international organization of scholars dedicated to fostering an interdisciplinary approach to cultural research with particular emphasis on the beliefs, rituals, social structure, and symbolism of past and present societies.

Inspired by the work of visionary scholar Marija Gimbutas, who encouraged students and colleagues from a variety of fields to examine problems in European prehistory with an inclusive, interdisciplinary point of view.
Learn more about IAM, and their free online journal and other publications.
Registration for symposium recordings is now available to the public! Register here.
To give you plenty of time to view the program at leisure, all sessions will remain available, to those who register, until the end of July 2022.
The Institute for Archaeomythology

ASWM’s 2021 Symposium, “Wisdom Across the Ages: Celebrating the Centennial of Archaeomythologist Marija Gimbutas,” is presented in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeomythology (IAM). Inspired by the scholarship of Lithuanian-American archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, IAM is an international organization of scholars dedicated to fostering an interdisciplinary approach to cultural research with particular emphasis on the beliefs, rituals, social structure, and symbolism of past and present societies. The Institute encourages dialogue among specialists from diverse fields by sponsoring international symposia, by publishing collected papers and monographs, and by promoting creative collaboration within an atmosphere of mutual support.
A visionary scholar, Marija Gimbutas actively encouraged students and colleagues from a variety of fields to examine problems in European prehistory with a more inclusive and interdisciplinary point of view. A major focus of her research centered on the Neolithic cultures of Old Europe and the Indo-European Bronze Age societies that replaced them. She stressed the importance of investigating the enormous changes in beliefs, rituals and social structure that took place as a result of the “collusion of cultures” that took place between c. 4500-2500 BC, during the Indo-Europeanization of Europe, in order to more fully understand subsequent European cultural development. In Gimbutas’s view, this was “one of the most complex and least understood [periods] in prehistory.”
Journal of Archaeomythology
The JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOMYTHOLOGY has been published on a semi-yearly basis since 2005. The Journal is available on an OPEN ACCESS basis. All issues of the Journal are freely available to members and non-members alike. To have full access to all Journal articles, please click here to register for a free account. IAM also publishes collected papers from international symposia and monographs on archaeomythological themes. Learn more at their website. IAM is a membership organization; learn more here.
Announcing Volume 3 of Proceedings
The Land Remembers Us:
Women, Myth, and Nature
Volume 3 of Proceedings of the Association for the Study of
Women and Mythology
Edited by Mary Jo Neitz and Sid Reger
We launched Volume 3 of our conference proceedings on Saturday, March 14, during our biennial ASWM Conference. In this collection, the works of 18 scholars explore many connections of myth, land, and women’s lives, including wildness, prehistoric art and archaeology, and contemporary goddess traditions.
“This luminous volume is filled with myth and story tied to the land and Her deepest embedded wisdom and mysteries”. —Dr. Cristina Eisenberg, The Wolf’s Tooth and The Carnivore Way
“The Land Remembers Us is a valuable contribution to the literature of place, the earth and the sacred.” —Michael McDermott M.D., co-founder with Patricia Monaghan and director of the Black Earth Institute
“This collection of essays contains some poignant explanations of the multifold ways our spirits can connect to the intelligences of the land, the plants, the animals, the cells, and to the spiritual energies on our wonderfully diverse planet.” —Miriam Robbins Dexter, Whence the Goddesses: A Source Book
The Land Remembers Us may be purchased from Goddess Ink and other online booksellers.
Matriarchal Studies – Matriarchatsforschung New Bilingual Website
The Academy HAGIA is pleased to announce its newly created, bilingual website, Matriarchal Studies—Matriarchatsforschung (AHMSM), a unique bibliography of Modern Matriarchal Studies.
The Academy HAGIA has been planning the launch of AHMSM for quite some time, and now it is available on internet, in German at: www.matriarchatsforschung.comand in English at: www.matriarchalstudies.com
The Bibliography exhaustively lists all known studies of and commentaries on the subject of matriarchies, from ancient times up to the modern day. Each title mentioned includes a short caption, so that the origin and development of the field of matriarchy can be traced through to the establishment of modern matriarchal studies.
In the first part of AHMSM offers anthropological publications describing matriarchal societies and societies with matriarchal elements worldwide, in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia. The second part of the bibliography is dedicated to the history of matriarchal cultures through archaeological publications and the history of cultures, which have contributed to the knowledge about matriarchal societies in history in West Asia and Europe.
The Oxford University Press (U.S.) first published this comprehensive, English-language bibliography in 2015, with an update published in 2019, the same year that it was translated into German, making this excellent intellectual tool for research on matriarchal societies now accessible in both English and German.
Licensed by Oxford University Press, AHMSM is available, free of charge, as a gift to scholars and people interested in Modern Matriarchal Studies.
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