Modern Matriarchal Studies Day
March 31, 2016
Plan to come a day early to Boston and enjoy the Matriarchal Studies Day seminar and celebration, in the same location as our ASWM Conference. Hosts for the day are Vicki Noble and Letecia Layson. The program includes a presentation from Dr. Heide Goettner-Abendroth, founder of Modern Matriarchal Studies (via Skype). Also on the agenda are explorations of woman-centered arts, themes of motherhood, and the Gift Economy. Presenters will include Max Dashu, Polly Wood, Beverly Little Thunder, and Genevieve Vaughan. The keynote presentation is by Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum, and evening entertainment will be provided by internationally known folksinger Julie Felix.
See the Matriarchal Studies Day agenda below or here Matriarchal Studies Day Agenda
The registration fee includes your lunch. Follow the links to register:
$60 (before February 11)
$75 (Feb 11 to March 25)
$90 (after March 25 and Walk-ins)
For more information, contcact Joan Cichon at cichon@oakton.edu
Please note: Matriarchal Studies Day is presented in conjunction with our conference, to the benefit of both groups,but registration for this event is not covered by registering for the ASWM Conference.
Matriarchal Studies Day Agenda
Burlington Marriott
Boston, MA
March 31, 2016
9:00 Opening Ritual / Julie Felix, troubadour
Greetings from Turtle Island / Kunsi Keya Tamakoce / Beverly Little Thunder
Herstory / Background of Matriarchal Studies:
Lydia Ruyle–Matriarchal Studies Conferences Intro
Matriarchal Studies Foundress: Heide Goettner Abendroth via SKYPE
Woman Centered Art, Drama, Music:
Constance Tippett—Goddess Timeline
Indigenous Stories—Beverly Little Thunder
Polly Wood–Blood Songs
Foremothers Book—Vicki Noble & Miriam Robbins Dexter
Reclaiming the Matriarchal, Radical and Wild Motherhood Panel:
Mariam Tazi-Preve, Genevieve Vaughan, Max Dashu, Lin Daniels
Women Centered Future:
Vicki Noble—Oxytocin, Matriarchy, and Human Evolution
Erica Starks—Matriarchal Studies High School Curriculum
Genevieve Vaughan—The Gift Economy
Honorary Speaker: Elinor Gadon—The Village Goddess in India
Presenters & Attendees Discussion
5:00-7:30 DINNER [On Your Own]
Keynote Speaker: Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum
Closing Ritual: Julie Felix, Troubadour
Our gratitude and thanks go to Lin Daniels, who helped Lydia Ruyle and Vicki Noble plan the Matriarchal Studies Day 2016. Thanks to Barb Lutz for building our altar.
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