Special Recognition for Dr. Heide Göttner-Abendroth

At the 2012 ASWM National Conference, Heide Göttner-Abendroth of Germany received the first Saga Special Recognition Award in Women’s History.  This award is named for Saga, the Norse goddess of history and prophecy.   In giving the award for “tireless work to bring to light an alternate cultural narrative,”  the ASWM board cited “Göttner-Abendroth’s lifelong passion…to research matriarchal societies and cultures, past and present.  Her work has been a catalyst for international scholars and indigenous peoples to promote a new understanding of non-patriarchal modes of social organization.”

Göttner-Abendroth is the founder of Modern Matriarchal Studies and the International Academy Hagia for Matriarchal Studies and Matriarchal Spirituality in Bavaria. Her meticulous research demonstrates that matriarchies are egalitarian cultures based on gender equality and consensus decision-making. In 2005, Heide was nominated as one of 1000 Peace Women Across the Globe for the Nobel Peace Prize.

An Open Letter, with Thanks, to the Foremothers

An Open Letter, with Thanks, to the Foremothers, by Molly Harris

I knew that the ASWM conference would be really enjoyable and interesting, but I had no idea how amazingly meaningful and life-enhancing it would be for me.  Just sitting in that ballroom and seeing so many wise women in one place, I realized that each began some 30-40 years ago in a very small way to create a new spirituality that brought back an ancient spirituality.

I was touched by the power in that room, and the willingness of everyone to come together and share in spite of differences of approach. In fact, the differences were what made the conference whole and complete. I felt a connection with each woman I sat by at lunch or spoke to in between sessions. Everyone was wise and supportive.

When I made my presentation at the very end of the day on Saturday, I was touched to see each woman I had connected with slip into the room as I was preparing to speak. I felt held and supported in this new endeavor. The women who presented with me were brilliant, and our moderator couldn’t have been more knowledgeable and kind. I made so many new friends! And it was good to push myself and do something new; that was part of the power of the experience, also, to put myself out there and be seen.

The conference was such a perfect blend of scholarship and spirituality. It couldn’t have been better. Visually it was inspiring just to see the colorful Goddess clothing and jewelry and the spirit of so many incredibly beautiful women flowing through the rooms. I heard so much laughter and saw many tears, both of grief and joy. I learned so much and took in so much in the music and dance and poetry and sacred ambience.

I was enthralled the whole time I was there, and I was carried home in an aura of joy and gratitude for the Spirit of Women.

Judy Grahn Keynote available

Following the ASWM conference, Judy Grahn’s provocative and groundbreaking speech, “Goddess Is Alive! But How Do We Know?” has been made available as a PDF  through the Women’s Spirituality Program of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (soon to be Sophia University).

“Exploring Myth” Symposium

Exploring Myth: Culture, Theory, Practice

August 31-September 2, 2012, Santa Barbara, CA

The first Symposium for the Study of Myth Co-sponsored by the Joseph Campbell Foundation, Opus Archives and Research Center, and Pacifica Graduate Institute. The Symposium will be held at Pacifica’s Ladera Lane Campus.

This interdisciplinary gathering will pay tribute to the fact that myth is a changing, elastic landscape that flourishes in surprising ways. Symposium themes are organized around three broad areas of inquiry and action: Myth in Theory, Myth in Culture, and Myth in Practice, and will include a blend of self-selecting energies and traditional formats. There will be roundtable discussion sessions, paper panels, keynote lectures by luminaries in the field of myth studies, and special events that include media presentations and performances.

For more information:  studyofmyth.org